First match of the day in really mild late Dec.. temps....only -1C. Doing the matches early to avoid the mid-week cold snap and holiday get-togethers. Decided to use the .22 Air Arms S410SL carbine for this match since I'm using her for the 30 yard PCP Bench Rested Match also. Didn't want to lug 3 air rifles around. It's been a LOOOONG time since I used a PCP for this event.
Rifle: Air Arms S410SL carbine, Sights: Simmons Prosport 4X12-50mm AO 6X, Pellet: .22 CPHP,
Distance: 10 Meters, Position: Stand/Off Hand, Temp: -1C, Cloud, Lt. snow, 5kph wind, SCORE: 136/150 1X