Author Topic: QB78 options  (Read 12398 times)

Offline ribbonstone

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Re: QB78 options
« Reply #15 on: November 25, 2009, 12:09:33 PM »
HAd one ordered in late Sept. when first offered, but it's been delayed...still delayed...but i contact them every so often to be sure the order is still active (it is).  

Hard to judge a gun no one has (although randy is suppose to be restesting a prototype right now), but it has the potential for a lot of power...not a lot of shots. Will know once one gets here, and HOPE it can give 20-25 good consistent shots per fill (if tuned hot, would probably give 15-20) before having vel. fall off for each shot as pressure drops.

HPA...not for everyone, esp. not people looking for max. speed, but getting as much as 100 shots per fill (13CI bottle) has a certain appeal to some of us.


Offline hfenn

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Re: QB78 options
« Reply #16 on: November 26, 2009, 08:07:11 AM »
Where did you see the price quoted for the conversion parts? I'm interested in getting them too. Thanks.

Offline Jaymo

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Re: QB78 options
« Reply #17 on: November 28, 2009, 05:15:53 PM »
ribbonstone, you make an excellent point about shot count. Plus the HPA will be quieter than the hot pcp. It's just that, in my case, I'm looking more for hunting guns. I have 8 low powered springers and 6 pumpers for relaxing plinking. Plus my 3 QB78 variants.
I'm thinking about converting one of my QBs and try detuning it with such parts as weaker hammer spring and lighter hammer to get higher shot count. If I can do that and get good accuracy, then I can plink with it or hunt with it by just changing out a couple of parts.

Hfenn, that is the price Compasseco told me when they replied to my email question about the kit a few days ago.
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Offline SirNomad

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Plastic stock available? Re: QB78 options
« Reply #18 on: December 03, 2009, 01:13:11 AM »
Anyone know if a lighter or plastic stock is available for these things? I'm really curious about the HPA conversion. I'm thinking that might be my big "January Splurge" early birthday present. How well does the multi shot conversion work? Are LDCs available for this thing? I'm thinking this might make a great wabbit swayer and MUCH lighter than my Sumatra 2500 rifle.
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Offline shawn67

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Re: QB78 options
« Reply #19 on: December 23, 2009, 11:05:39 AM »
right now compasseco has the pcp version of the QB78 listed for 199 bucks and that sounds like a heck of a deal, of course then you have to buy a pump or scuba tankk with someway of filling it if your not set up for pcps
Mike Melick tuned Bam B26,with  Leapers 4x16x40ao scope,Gene turbo tuned TF89 with Barska 3X12X40A0 scope and More powder burners than you can shake a stick at.                  Gun control is hitting what your aiming at