Author Topic: Receiver material...  (Read 2517 times)

Offline AdrianM

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Receiver material...
« on: January 17, 2010, 03:03:32 PM »
I am a CNC machinist and I can pretty much make anything.  I want to make a breech for my QB78D.  I was thinking about making it out of 7075 aluminum as it is a little easier and faster to machine than steel.  Is there any reason not to make it aluminum due to temperature instability, zero changes and such?

I want to make the breech have a slight rise to clear an HPA bottle, have more barrel engagement so it is better supported and free floated. I also want to buy a Lothar barrel and possibly make it thread on.  That way I can drill and mill the air transfer passage in place for alignment.  I also plan on milling the bottom of the breech with a round nose end mill to match the outside diameter of the lower tube.   I might make the transfer seal an o-ring that sits in machined pockets in the bottom of the breech and top of the air tube.

These are just some ideas and they do amount to a redesign of the gun but I have the will and the way to make it happen.  If you guys have any though or suggestions let me know!

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RE: Receiver material...
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2010, 03:47:32 PM »
Have been some made from Al., and it has the strength (once anodized) for what you want. Were some made of brass as well, but it might be a little too "blinky" for many of us.  Could square it off a bit and make full sized centerfire rings work.

Larger foot print to the gas tube would be a good thing for stability, and as you intend to free float the barrel, will need  a nice solid breech/gas tube fit.

Know I've read about threaded barrels, but haven't tried one.  Get the fit right, and it may not be needed.  If you do, work on a detacable loading section that can be removed in order to get at the issue breech screw (which is under that loading extension of the barrel).

The transfer port has to extend down into hard contact with the valve or gas will leak between the valve head and the gas tube, squirting along the inside of the gas tube towards striker.  A thick enough o-ring should work, so long as it's firmly compressed by the breech and the valve head (just passing though the gas tube).

Could add a "strangle screw" to adjust the gas flow though the transfer port in the riser breech (a transfer port limter)... would be a fast way to adjust from high power to low power without having to change spring tensions.

Offline AdrianM

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RE: Receiver material...
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2010, 04:41:58 PM »
Thanks for the info.

Are the Lothar barrels rifled end to end or do they have a smooth loading area on one end?  That may be a dumb question but I am a machinist not a gun!

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RE: Receiver material...
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2010, 11:04:34 PM »
Are rifled end to end, but keep track of the choked end.

If you convert to a independent loading try, not part of the barrel, then once you've got the barrel and breech together, they never have to come apart again; could remove the barrel/breech as one unit during take down.  With that kind of system, could screw the two together, press fit and cross pin, etc.