Author Topic: I received my 52 from AOA, anyone else?  (Read 4283 times)

Offline Rickster

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I received my 52 from AOA, anyone else?
« on: June 17, 2010, 12:20:24 PM »
I received my 52 from AOA, and The gun is pretty nice.
My scope will be here next week, so I really can't give an accuracy report.
I have shot it and chronographed it, and the velocity seems to be right on.
The rear site moves to the left and the right, and the front screw for the rear site looks a little rounded out.
The philips notches in the middle scope mount screw, look damaged.
There are a couple small dents in the cheek rest.
Overall I am not disappointed for the $275 but I am wondering if these are seconds or B-grade rifles.

I am waiting on a Simmons 44 Mag 4-12x 44 scope I ordered from SWFA, and am looking forward to shooting some paper with it.

RWS Model 52 .177
Benjamin Marauder .177
Crosman Nitro NPSS CBR Trigger .177
RWS 6G Pistol .177
Click on WWW for images.

Offline darryl

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RE: I received my 52 from AOA, anyone else?
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2010, 12:47:19 PM »
Anyone else? Are you trying to make me jealous? Well...maybe I am just a little bit. Naa! I'm just happy for you, and I hope your 52 gives you years of great service. But if you get tired of it, and want to "gift" it to me,I'd humbly accept your generosity. ;)
enjoy! post some pix when you get a minute.
sorry about your cat Mrs.B. I thought it was a squirrel. Well, one down; eight to go! No Ma\'am. Not funny.

Offline JimL911

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RE: I received my 52 from AOA, anyone else?
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2010, 01:12:21 PM »
Let us know how the new 44 Mag holds up. Uncertain if they are springer rated now.

Offline grburt

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had my for a few weeks
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2010, 05:40:48 AM »
I hit the button the day they went on sale for $299 shipped. It was brand new. AOA shot it a few times and boxed it.  There is one small mark on the underside of forearm. Like they rested it on a sharp edge to shoot it. I figured they were clearing out stock to get ready for the T06 trigger models.

Offline Mug08

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RE: I received my 52 from AOA, anyone else?
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2010, 12:09:29 PM »
The one I got had a small dent in the cheek rest as well.But at $279, I wasn't going to complain.( does anybody know if you can "steam" out a dent? I swear I heard of this being done)   I put a Hawke 4x12 Airmax on it. VERY accurate gun. The first 5 shots out of it you could cover with a dime at 25 yards. I'm really impressed overall.


Offline darryl

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RE: I received my 52 from AOA, anyone else?
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2010, 01:09:34 PM »
Mug08 - 6/18/2010  5:09 PM

The one I got had a small dent in the cheek rest as well.But at $279, I wasn't going to complain.( does anybody know if you can "steam" out a dent? I swear I heard of this being done)   I put a Hawke 4x12 Airmax on it. VERY accurate gun. The first 5 shots out of it you could cover with a dime at 25 yards. I'm really impressed overall.


Ha! That's nothing I shot a group that could cover a quarter at that range and everyone knows a quarter is worth more than dime...(Oh wait...let me adjust my meds). Mug08, that's awesome shooting. I'm sure it's as much the shooter as it is the rifle. I was just having a little fun. But that really is impressive shooting. Nice piece of iron you got there.
sorry about your cat Mrs.B. I thought it was a squirrel. Well, one down; eight to go! No Ma\'am. Not funny.

Offline Mug08

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RE: I received my 52 from AOA, anyone else?
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2010, 02:04:08 PM »
To be honest -I don't consider myself too great a shot - just a "casual" shooter I guess is a good word. That's what was so impressive about the gun. I was actually laughing when I was shooting - couldn't believe what I was seeing. (of course my buddy and his" heat seeking pellet" remarks weren't helping either)

Offline darryl

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RE: I received my 52 from AOA, anyone else?
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2010, 06:23:46 PM »
Mug08 - 6/18/2010  7:04 PM

To be honest -I don't consider myself too great a shot - just a "casual" shooter I guess is a good word. That's what was so impressive about the gun. I was actually laughing when I was shooting - couldn't believe what I was seeing. (of course my buddy and his" heat seeking pellet" remarks weren't helping either)

this from someone who can shoot the eyes off a horned toad at 40 yards. OK. I still say that's impressive shooting( he was laughing!).
sorry about your cat Mrs.B. I thought it was a squirrel. Well, one down; eight to go! No Ma\'am. Not funny.