I just got My .22 Disco today!..... slow azz UPS, i don't have a chrony yet to measure. but it seems really powerful, also put the TKO muzzle brake on after 3 shots. It was way too loud for where i am, not anymore. Love you Mike! Man when I first got the rifle on first looks, I was like wow this thing is SMALL! and light...i see why they call it a carbine, it's small to medium
almost looks like toyish, until i mounted my UTG bipod, scope,tko muzzle brake. It looks like a "cute" little rifle but wow it's a wolf in sheeps clothing, I got it sighted in shooting in my garage at 15 yards and put about 100 shots through it tonight. it stackin pellets ontop of each other. Crows are not gonna know what hit em