Last weekend I had a 2 hour opportunity to really sit down with almost my 8 month old Mrod and shoot some groups. My pellet selection was somewhat similar to Matt's and I found few interesting things about my Mrod. BTW I opened up the breech side a bit and polished it, as I noticed some difficulties loading different pellets.
1. My rifle likes Premieres best - 1/2" group CTC at 40yds, could be covered by a dime. Mind you I am not the best shot.
2. CPHP's were close second with few inches of POI drop.
3. 15.8 JSB's did very well too - 5/8" @ 40 yds CTC, BUT I had to allow at least 3 flyer shots after switching from CP's or other pellets for the barrel to lead properly! I mean first shot after the switch went about 8-10 inches to the left and missed the trap completely! After few shots the POI was the same as CP's, all without a single scope adjustment.
4. 14.3 and 18 grain JSB's resulted in shotgun pattern, no matter how many shots I took. Gamo Hunters and RWS Superdomes did no better.
Beeman FTS showed so-so groups (1" @ 40yds for all 10 shots)
5. Turns out my rifle is not so sensitive to overfill above 2600 psi, I filled it to almost 3000 psi, but is VERY sensitive to pressure drop below 1900 psi, where it doesn't just lower the POI, but sprays pellets all over the target. This was done with factory settings, which tells me that it would definately benefit from tune and some adjusting.
I am on a quest to find a good pellet/settings to give repectable groups at 60yds+