crowpopper here's the "rules' for the pistol matches;
Open Pistol 5M match 1 or 2 handed, scoped or open sights, Gamo target sheet or Gamo5 target sheet, 3 shots per 15 shots.
CO2 Pistol 10M match 2 handed, scoped or open sights, Gamo target or Gamo5 target sheet, 4 shots per 20 shots.
Target Pistol 10 M match 1 handed, open/iron sights and/or 1x magnification or Red Dot scope, Olympic 10 Meter Air Pistol Target sheet, 10 shots.
Multi Pump Pistol 10M match 2 handed, scoped or open sights, Gamo target or Gamo5 target sheet, 3 shots per 15 shots.
Olympic 10M Air Pistol Target can be downloaded from; Gamo5 target sheet can be downloaded from; ***NOTE*** the Gamo5 target sheets' bulls could be abit smaller than the real Gamo might need to adjust your printer to make the bulls larger. Or you can leave it as it is and make it more challenging.....