Author Topic: mike melick great airrifles and his service is .....  (Read 1851 times)

Offline geewhiz380

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mike melick great airrifles and his service is .....
« on: April 16, 2010, 06:30:08 AM »
Devine i have bought a few airrifles from mike and it gets better and better ,just got a b40.22 with good mounts and a decent scope got here in two days from iowa to ny and last month a b25.22 bamboo stock .his airrifles rgreat all around ,trigger,the power ,accuratecy im impressed and they r out the box and shootin pells .everybody already knows that mike is a great seller and his service is excellent thats why i keep on buying from him cause they r great clones .....jorge

Offline Brutuz

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RE: mike melick great airrifles and his service is .....
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2010, 09:54:24 AM »

Congrats Jorge

I have also ordered a B40 but since I live in Europe importing from the states is expensive so I ordered in Poland but they have a powerlimit.

Mine will be delivered with a cut spring boohoooooo

Guess where I ordered B40 springs today?

Yes, Mike Melick and he has allready sent them on the day of purchase, great service, great communication!

Crosman 1300 1377 1377c 2100 2289G 2240 2300KT 2400KT
Haenel III 284 & Shanghai B1
.22 SMK XS78 & XS19 & B40 (BMK) & Lider45TG
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