I must say the club is in it's second year and things are really coming together!! New members, two more lanes, start time is earlier (more time for lunch and BS) the members have a lot more ideas from this meet that will make the next even better
We ordered 20 new face plates for the Gamo targets from Quality Targets they arrived three days before the meet. Gabe, Martin and myself got to work on painting them. Getting these face plates really made a big difference because the hole sizes were cut out instead of using Gamo reducers that would certainly full off when hit. We also checked for damage after the shoot and the steel did not look like it was hit at all a little paint and they looked like new.
Joe M bought a Bat and a dinosaur off the web. Well the bat target was set out in a tree at 54 yards the terrain dropped down and there was a good cross wind that made the shot even harder. There were only three members that could hit the kill zone John M twice and Joe M once. Rod N once but with a Springer now that was great shooting way to go Rod!! Rod shot 18 out of 52 with a vantage Webley he bought the week before. |  |