Author Topic: Cobra Airguns & Long Island Field Target 4/11/10 pics-story  (Read 5495 times)

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Cobra Airguns & Long Island Field Target 4/11/10 pics-story
« on: April 16, 2010, 07:40:33 AM »

Airguns - Long Island Field Target NY 4/11/10
Sponsored By Cobra Airguns

I must say the club is in it's second year and things are really coming together!! New members, two more lanes, start time is earlier (more time for lunch and BS) the members have a lot more ideas from this meet that will make the next even better

 We ordered 20 new face plates for the Gamo targets from Quality Targets they arrived three days before the meet. Gabe, Martin and myself got to work on painting them. Getting these face plates really made a big difference because the hole sizes were cut out instead of using Gamo reducers that would certainly full off when hit. We also checked for damage after the shoot and the steel did not look like it was hit at all a little paint and they looked like new.

 Joe M bought a Bat and a dinosaur off the web. Well the bat target was set out in a tree at 54 yards the terrain dropped down and there was a good cross wind that made the shot even harder. There were only three members that could hit the kill zone John M twice and Joe M once. Rod N once but with a Springer now that was great shooting way to go Rod!! Rod shot 18 out of 52 with a vantage Webley he bought the week before.

John M is one of our members who chose his Theoben air rifle last year and nowis set up to fit him perfect. As they say a craftsman is only as good as his tools.

John had a good day shooting 44 out of 52 and winning the PCP class. This was not an easy course the new face plates with 3/4"-1" KZ's set out as far as 35 yards.

Last year we put out Gamo reducer and if they were hit they were certain to full off so that left a lot of full size kill zones. Not this year!!!

There is a lot to say about find the right air rifle being a new club some members are still in the hunt. You just can not pick the best airgun in the market. Because we tried that it is a good place to start but be ready it may not be right one for you.

 Joe M started with a Theoben and this year he will be shooting a Steyr LG110. Joe M and his Steyr had a little trouble with his scope missed out on the first two lanes. When you are clicking and your rotation is wrong you don't even now where your pellet is going, but he had it ready for the third lane. Joe scored of 23 out of 52 But I must say it's better to learn what can go wrong at the first meet and on your home turf. New air rifle first meet, I know he will be ready for the next one.

Kenny P on left is another member who found his rifle and stuck with it. His Theoben Rapid served him well last year. This day he placed first in Hunter with 26 out of 52. Kenny normally shoots in the high thirties and shoots standing only.

 Martin on right is shooting a Daystate MK4 scored 28 out of 52 and took second in PCP class. Martin started with the Beeman Falcon R then the Air Arms EV2 and now after shooting the Daystate MK4 he started working on his field target stock for the Falcon R

Bill R one our new shooters scored a 20 out of 52 with a Benjamin Discovery .177. For shooting at your first field target meet that is a good score good enough for second in Hunter class.Tony N and his RWS 54 won the the piston class with 36 out of 52. Tony is one person who is taking advantage of his membership you will find him down at the airgun range shooting his old CO2 Crosman 400 hitting spinners out at 85 yards no BS you have to see it.

Tom H new member shooting his Benjamin Marauder tuned down to 12 foot lbs. This is also his first meet he will be starting with the hardest class international. It was definitely and eye opener for him when at the site in range his groups opened up to about 3" because of the wind.
(welcome to 12 foot lbs)

 Tom was persistent and out on the field target lanes asking questions and absorbing the answers. At the end of the day Tom shot a 26 out of 52 putting him in 3rd. By the next meet he will have his Steyr also 12 foot lbs that he ordered 3 months ago.

Ron C and his RWS 48 had a score of 19 out of 52 came in third in piston class. The RWS 48 is a hard air rifle to shoot in field target in my opinion this rifle can put them out there but has a lot of recoil. Another new comer to field target Ron said he had a great time but it was harder then he thought.

 Tom W with a 16 had a lot of fun shooting his RWS 34, He is looking to up grade to a TX 200 or a Beeman HW97. Tom runs our air pistol and air rifle silhouette that we have twice a month pistol is Tom's game. But last year he won the north east regional with the same RWS34. "Way to go Tom!!" Mike A Shot a 7 another pistol shooter shooting rifle he started this year with a new rifle a Beeman R11.

The course was 8 lanes 3 targets per lane 48 shots and
1 lane 2 targets 4 shots Total of 52 shots

PCP ClassScore
1st John M44
2nd Martin P28
3rd Tom H26
4th Joe M23
5th Bill R20
6th David F18
Piston ClassScore
1st Tony N36
2nd Rod N18
Hunter Class Score
1st Kenny P26
2nd Ron C19
3rd Tom W16
4th Mike A7

All in all it was a great day everyone had a good time the field was set up early the sun was shining we finished early and that gave us more time to talk about the course and how to improve. The only things I would change is the club needs a new camera for photos the old one broke luckily Joe M had his. The site in range needs permanent targets set out so we are not measuring them out the day of the shoot.

If you like any information on
Long Island Field Target Call 800 898 0741

Hope to see you at the lanes
David Foltmann

Long Island Field Target Club

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