Author Topic: anyone know of a fixed 10x scope  (Read 4844 times)

Offline jay morgan

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anyone know of a fixed 10x scope
« on: May 26, 2010, 03:38:44 PM »
I have looked for a 10 or 12 fixed power scope with a/o adjustment?I like my new centerpoint & all but power adjust. mess's up p.o.i. like all do except high end one's.So I thought 10x cover's all I need & should be alot less prone too spring recoil as most problem's are in tube's erecter's for power setting's :o .THANK's in advance .
N.R.A.(endowment),G.O.A.(life), N.R.A. trainer for,c.c.w.,all firearms &reloading /\" NO FREEMAN SHALL EVER BE DEBARRED THE USE OF ARM\'S\"(Thomas Jefferson)

Offline daved

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RE: anyone know of a fixed 10x scope
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2010, 05:51:29 AM »
I've tried several fixed 10's, Jay, ranging from cheap Chinese junk up to an MTC Viper.  The Viper would be all you're looking for, but it's expensive, heavy, and long.  If you can live without AO, I can highly recommend the Bushnel 3200 Elite 10x40, sometimes listed as the Elite Tactical.  I have one on my R9 and really like it.  I readjusted the parallax for 35 yards, gives me a nice crisp image from somewhere around 15-20 yards out to farther than I'll ever shoot it, call it 80-90 yards.  At 10 yards, the image IS fuzzy, but that didn't save the starling I whacked yesterday :-).  Has a nice, fine mil dot reticle, some pretty beefy target turrets, and outstanding optics.  Here's a link:  I've really liked this on my R9, makes it a point and shoot rifle.  If I'm giving up anything in accuracy by NOT having AO, I'm not seeing it.  Later.


Offline jay morgan

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Re: anyone know of a fixed 10x scope
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2010, 03:04:03 PM »
DAVED Thank's don't know why I didn't see the viper(nice) & like the forgetful old nut I am I did not even think of bush's, duuuh even have one on a .22 that I adjusted for 25yd's(but a 3 to 9) My eye's are not what they use to be so I think I'll still look more for A.O type's ,But that Viper is nice, just need a airgun that deserve's it!!Hmmmmm sell off one or two of the powder gun's & swiss gun's here I come!!
N.R.A.(endowment),G.O.A.(life), N.R.A. trainer for,c.c.w.,all firearms &reloading /\" NO FREEMAN SHALL EVER BE DEBARRED THE USE OF ARM\'S\"(Thomas Jefferson)