I have owned this BSA Scorpion 2 or 3 years but never shot it much because it didn't fit me. The LOP was a bit short, and the comb of the stock was so low that scoped, even with a s mall scope and low rings, there was no way to get anything like a proper cheek weld and still see the sight picture in the scope. Well, I finally got the stock Tim made for me via J Wookcock. The BSA Scorpion carbine now fits like a glove. Popped this nutter off hand at about 20 yards. BTW, Annie thinks it is interesting when rodents die.
PS: I don't know anything new to tell everyone about Timmy. He left some things, including my stock, with J on his way to his moms place, then disappeared again. J called to let me know he had the stock.