Author Topic: Does it exist or I’m just wasting my time?  (Read 13436 times)

Offline illwill

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It's really a question of what you are
« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2010, 10:43:49 AM »
happy with? Are 1" ctc groups ok or do you want 1/2". Do you mind servicing your gun sooner and more often or do you want to shoot trouble free longer?
Of course it's always a question of money. If you want to spend big bucks the perfect rifle awaits, but for those of us with limited budgets, what will give us
close to what we want for the money. Yes high end guns have problems, but I will say with certainty they are fewer and farther between than a M-rod and
you will beat a M-rod in every category except for sound level, which most guns now come very close to.  I had a M-rod on order when they first came out,
but they pushed the date back so I got something else. I can say now I am glad I never got that gun, I would not have been happy with it.
EdGun Matador .22

Offline Sam

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RE: It's really a question of what you are
« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2010, 01:36:09 PM »
I agree with illwill and HNT5, I believe they got right.  The Evanix have many QC problems which I do not see them going away anytime soon.  The Marauder has few issues with the barrel, the shroud, or the baffles that can be annoying.  The last I read was a blog at PA about the baffles touching the bracket, they say due to shipping, which you have to correct yourself and center them with the barrel!  That should not happen and I’m not willing to start servicing or work on a new air rifle which cost me around $800.00 (in combo).  I can see the Marauder glitches taken care of, by the manufacturer, well before the Evanix getting a better QC.   I’m all for US made air rifle, in fact all my firearms are US made.  These days, reliability and accuracy are “standard given features”, not something extra you ask for.  I’m happy with my Beeman’s and HW’, HW 95 is very accurate and reliable for less than $500.00, so any air rifle that does not give me at least the same accuracy or reliability is a step downward I’m not taking.
Beeman R-9 DG 0.22
Beeman R-9 DG 0.20
Beeman R-9 DG 0.177
HW 95 in 0.20
HW 50 in 0.177
RWS 48 in 0.22

Offline coochie

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RE: It's really a question of what you are
« Reply #17 on: June 19, 2010, 10:09:49 AM »
I just got a .25 marauder a couple months ago or so. Yes the barrel band had to be slightly re-aligned after shipment. It's one little allen screw to loosen to adjust it in about 9.2 seconds. My marauder has had NO issues at all. it shoots perfect and allways has. Right out of the box. Dont get caught up in any marauder QC "histeria". It's rediculas. The only issue i have with the gun is thats its so quiet that everytime i shoot, i feel like there is something wrong with it. It just dont make sense that it shoots this powerfull and good but it dosent make hardly any noise at all. It's the most accurat gun iv ever shot. It never miss's. it would be silly for you to blow all your extra money on european hype. specially when our country economy is being flushed down the toilet.

Offline coochie

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Re: Does it exist or I’m just wasting my time?
« Reply #18 on: June 19, 2010, 10:27:59 AM »
I dont mean to burst the bubbles of the marauder nay-sayers. I know some guys are upset about the fact that they paid a crap-load of money for a european pcp when they could have bought an american gun for a fraction of the price and got just as good or better results. following is a video/ article of a factory stock non-adjusted marauder in action. Doing what it was made to do.