I have been enjoying watching the bt's play around my yard and eating the seed off the ground around my feeders. I haven't had them in my yard for years but they finally started showing up. Well, one day I found they had gotten into my well house and tore my bag of feed open. Dang thing almost ran between my legs escaping the scene on the crime. I let that one slide, figured I should have knew better. Well, a couple days ago I found one of the feeders on the ground. I know what happened. I have been watching this one Bt hanging upside down and getting seed out of it. I would have loved to have watched this happen when the cord gave way and the feeder fell. I bet it scared the tar out of him. Well, I figured I would let that slide. Yesterday, I came home from work and I find two of them on my center feeder, OK, no big deal but one of them managed to get the lid open and was down inside of it. Man did they run when they saw me pull up. Ok, that's it. In the house I go and load up the BSA with Preds. Later I found one back on the feeder again and sent his furry little hide to the great beyond. I didn't get a picture due to the forum being down, but Ill see if he is still where I put him last night and grab a shot for you guys. 20 yard head shot and the brain juices started to flow. Man they can dance.