JMG - 7/8/2007 3:09 PM
I was very impressed with Gene's work, the shroud and brake make the QB really pop now. The workmanship is top notch so if any of you fella's out there are needing some bling for that favorite rifle of yours look no farther than our own forum's Gene. You will not be disappointed.
If you ever use the word "pop" again and you're not talking about something that comes in a 12oz. can, or something that blows up, or a grackles head, I will pretend I don't know you:)
I think someones been watching too much HGTV!
"Do you like the lavander, or the mauve....I think those sequens really make the whole thing pop, don't you? Ok, how's my hair? Should we go out for mani's and pedi's after the show?".
This is airguns dood, serious business!
Hehe, just kidding....sortof:)