Author Topic: Air Arms TX200 MKIII or Pro-Sport  (Read 10694 times)

Offline Yellowstone

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Air Arms TX200 MKIII or Pro-Sport
« on: June 19, 2010, 01:38:23 PM »
What do you guys think?
Both guns have what I think are short barrels. The MKIII has a 13.9” barrel and the Pro-Sport has a 9.5” Barrel.
Both guns have great reviews, both shoot about 750fps.w/.22 cal.

These guns are underlever guns the MKIII has a cocking effort of 29lbs. The Pro-Sport is 39.6lbs.

These guns look like and the reviews say they are vary well built. My concern is the barrel length.

A Benjamin Sheridan Super Streak has a 22.5” barrel. (As a comparison)

Am I wrong in thinking that these guns with the shorter barrels may be less accurate?
I was also looking at a Weihrauch HW77 in .22cal the fps are about the same but the barrel is considerably longer 18.5” and the cocking effort is the same as the MKIII 29lbs. (Pro-sport 39.6)

I am leaning towards the TX200 MKIII even with the short barrel.

Any thoughts?

Offline jay morgan

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Re: Air Arms TX200 MKIII or Pro-Sport
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2010, 02:24:59 PM »
I know very little about the gun's your asking of,But I do know about GUN's,A short barrel lose's very very little to acc.,it normallly has only to do with the shorter sight radius that a shooter has for aiming weapon that cause's people to say they are inacc.,so with a scope(which most of us use)you will not lose a thing,I'm not up enough on air to say about vel. loss,but a short tube does affect powder weapon's vel.(not enough burn time for powder),But no idea on that with air,maybe someone on here has copped off a inch at a time an did a study, if not it would be a interesting project???Any body have a old barrel & some time.
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Offline joe-joe guns

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Re: Air Arms TX200 MKIII or Pro-Sport
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2010, 03:18:09 PM »
I had a TX200 But sold it.Not because it was not accurate but I have large hands and found it hard to load and very heavy.Very nice shooting and looking gun though.
AA S400 .22...Custom stock .22 Disco...Super Streak .22....Diana M34 .177....Daisy model 25 (new issue)....Diana M350 .177.....Daisy Powerline 1000X .177

Offline longislandhunter

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Re: Air Arms TX200 MKIII or Pro-Sport
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2010, 04:20:56 PM »
I have  a TX and all I can say is OMG what a fine looking rifle and what a fine shooting rifle.   Simply awesome....   that being said though.... you can't go wrong with either one.  Just depends on which one you find more appealing....  Both absolutely beautiful rifles in all respects.

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Offline JimL911

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RE: Air Arms TX200 MKIII or Pro-Sport
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2010, 06:00:39 PM »
Actually a shorter barrel on a springer should be a little more accurate as the pellet leaves the barrel sooner and the piston rebound has less effect on it.

Offline DanoInTx

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Re: Air Arms TX200 MKIII or Pro-Sport
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2010, 07:20:23 PM »
As Jay mentioned barrel length has absolutely NOTHING to do with accuracy, that fabel comes from open sighted guns with short barrels having a shorter sight effect on a scoped gun.  Velocity in a springer with anything over about a 8" barrel shouldn't matter, on a PCP or CO2 gun where you are working with expanding gasses that is a different story.  Never really sat around chopping a barrel down an inch at a time to test velocity, but have read numerous accounts of guns having barrels chopped and not losing, and sometimes gaining a few FPS due to less time for barrel friction to act on the projectile.  Also have to agree with Jim and say that a shorter barrel in a springer may actually help with accuracy because the pellet may leave before the full recoil is felt.  I've never shot a Prosport, but I have shot a TX200, HW97K, and HW77K quite a bit and will say the TX200 has a longer cocking stroke, but it's a bit lighter than the other two.  I found none of them hard enough to cock to make a full day of plinking tiring, and I have various issues with shoulders/elbows/wrists that make shooting a heavy springer a tough proposition for me(I'm young, but have had surgeries, tendonitis, arthritis, etc).  One thing I like about the HW guns that I don't like about the TX200 is the loading port size, the TX has a true right hand loading port, and if you have large fingers it can be a little fumbley.  The HW's have a loading port that goes full side to side.  One thing I've heard about the Pro Sport, but have no personal experience with is that the Pro Sport has a wonky cocking handle, in that it can be a bit awkward...but this is hearsay, I have not shot one myself.  My personal favorite is the HW97K scoped, and the HW77K with open sights, but you can take that with a grain of salt since I have a TX200 on the way to add to my collection:)

Current shooters: Beeman HW97K .177 with Hawke Eclipse 4x16x50SFAO and Steve C. stock, Beeman R9 .177 with Hawke Airmax 4-12x40AO and Gene\'s Midas touch, Air Arms S200 with Bushnell Banner 6x24x40AO Rowan brass bling and Steve C. custom stock, BAM B25, BAM B40 .177 with BSA 3x12x44AO, Benjamin Marauder .22, Benjamin 397 pumper.

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Offline jberenyi

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RE: Air Arms TX200 MKIII or Pro-Sport
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2010, 03:30:48 AM »
I would pick the TX200HC hands down. Better balance and lighter due to the shorter barrel. It's my go to for that one shot one kill factor. If I had to have just one this would be it. Of course get it in walnut and don't look back
\"The only tuner I trust is me\"

TX200HC .22 (Tuned by JB)
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Offline KAZ

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RE: Air Arms TX200 MKIII or Pro-Sport
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2010, 11:18:07 AM »
I love my ProSport. It has been flawless right from the box. It is a real pleasure to shoot. Cocking effort is minimal, and it is easy for me to hold on to the cocking lever and load through a generous sized loading port. The trigger is sweet and crisp making good use of the rifles  accuracy. The PS has a Lother barrel for whatever that is worth. It is one of my keepers. Of course, I also lust for  TX200 LOL. I don't see how you can go wrong. Regards

Offline ctw19

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Re: Air Arms TX200 MKIII or Pro-Sport
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2010, 12:31:25 PM »
I conducted a test today.  I put a 2lb coffee can 100 yards away.  I  sat down with a rifle bipod, and shot at the can with my tx200hc in .177.  This was after a rainstorm, so the air was still.  Not only could I hit the can with ease, but the pellets penetrated the can... did not go out the back though.  I conducted the same test earlier at a closer distance, like 70 yards, and they went through.  I used AA diabolo 8.44 grain field pellets.

Offline Yellowstone

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RE: Air Arms TX200 MKIII or Pro-Sport
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2010, 05:20:09 PM »
Thanks guys for the positive feed back.
Looks like the only issue I would have is the loading port on the TX200  I to have big fingers and a crippled trigger finger. But it I can put up with the breech screw on my 1377 catching dam near every pellet I drop in.
I think I can put up with a little pellet problem of a gun of this stature.
I agree get the walnut and don’t look back. LOL Its like buying Snap-on tools, don’t even ask how much. Just make up your mind and hand the man your card. LOL

Hey can I claim a TX200 on my taxes? It’s a fine tool!