Author Topic: Tuning parts, GRTIII trigger, etc. for Benji Trail XL  (Read 5696 times)

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Tuning parts, GRTIII trigger, etc. for Benji Trail XL
« on: June 15, 2010, 01:15:47 AM »

For sale. All items apply to the Benjamin Trail NP XL 1100 (.22  cal) but may also work on other guns. I prefer to sell as a  single lot to one person who is considering the standard tune items for a  new Trail XL. All can ship together. I'll entertain parting out if  nobody wants the package. Price is much less than what I paid and  excludes the multiple shipping charges that would need to be paid to  different places.

    • Gently used GRTIII trigger. Will include allen  wrench just like I received when I bought it last month.
    • New,  unused Maccari piston seal - "Walther Talon- Hunter  -Mag -Turkish Guns" piston seal that fits the Trail XL.
    • Maccari  Moly paste for seal, piston, triggers, pivots, etc. (I  used about a pellet size dab out of it)
    • Extra breach  seal (included free!)
    • Spanner  wrench (see pic below) I made it to fit the  Trail endcap. Heavy duty and fits perfectly. Has been painted.
    $55 for all includes shipping, $40 if you don't want the spanner wrench. PM me your email address if interested.  Paypal preferred or money order.

Beeman R9 .20
FX Whisper .22

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Price Drop Alert!
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2010, 05:58:32 AM »
Price drop! All for $45. Gonna part it out to people on a waiting list if nobody wants the whole thing.
Beeman R9 .20
FX Whisper .22