Author Topic: Another strawberry sheister bites the bullet  (Read 5825 times)

Offline DougT

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Another strawberry sheister bites the bullet
« on: June 21, 2010, 06:11:46 PM »
Tonight before dinner I glanced out the window looking for unwanted critters, as I have been doing every time I walk by a window.  Tonight I noticed something that just didn't look right.  It was too brown and in a place I don't remember leaving anything.  I went to the bedroom and grabbed my 850.  I dialed down the AO to 20 yards, went downstairs and quietly slid open a basement window looking directly at the garden.  Low and behold, it's a tree squirrel laying on it's tummy looking right at the house eating a strawberry.  I jacked a 14.3g JSB Express into the chamber, dialed the power to 6X and used the window frame as a rest.  With the crosshairs right on it's forehead I let it fly.  WHOP.  It really didn't even move and I thought I'd missed.  After about 5-6 seconds of watching it a stream of blood started to run down the retaining wall.  After about 30 seconds it was a more considerable amount of blood.  The thing didn't even move when it got hit.  The pellet had entered somehere on it's head and exited behind the ear, with the whole back of it's head bloody.  As a side note, this was a male with the HUGEST testicles I'd ever seen on a rodent this size.  I'm also attaching a pic of our 150 square foot strawberry patch that sits right at 20 yards from the window.

I also found a pic of the first one I shot eating strawberries a few weeks ago.
Hammerli 850 HPA .22 & Leapers 3-9x32  --  TF-89 .22 & Leapers 4x32
2010 air rifle kills
288 starlings
235 pigeons
6 crows
25 other birds
56 ground squirrels
3 tree squirrels

2009 air rifle kills
181 various birds
57 various squirrels

Offline ShadowShot

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Re: Another strawberry sheister bites the bullet
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2010, 06:43:50 PM »
Nice, er, uh, head shot.
2010 Kills

12 Tree Rats
36 Grackles
47 Cow Birds
4 Starlings
2 Crows
1 Ground Hog

Offline 1377x

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Re: Another strawberry sheister bites the bullet
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2010, 04:43:38 AM »
he must have known to watch the house when he should haveknown to stayed away
nice shooting