Author Topic: Matters not how nice a gun is if you can't shoot it...  (Read 11296 times)

Offline thebookdoc

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Matters not how nice a gun is if you can't shoot it...
« on: June 19, 2010, 01:40:40 PM »
I just bought a Hatsan mod 100. I liked the idea of it because it had a flip-up loader on an underlever. One of the features I hate (capital H) on underlevers is the breach loading where you have to stick your fingers in harm's way. So this seemed like a good solution. However, there is apparently not a pellet on the planet that fits the breach. So sure, I got a pristine rifle, but this is NOT one I have heard of before. TWO previous owners and not a shot fired. Why? You can't get the pellets in.

So, do the sellers get a negative on the BOI and GTA? Or Do I just eat it out of the goodness of my heart? My heart is pretty expansive.

FOLLOWUP:  Glad I didn't rush to the trigger -- so to speak. Please see the followup later in this thread:
     â€¢ Cometa Fusion Star (Gene tuned) 12/10/09
     â€¢ Cometa Fenix RWS 94 2/8/10
     â€¢ RWS Diana 48 .177 1/8/10 [TRADE for RWS 350]
     â€¢ Walther Force 1000 .177 11/11/09
     â€¢ TF89 .22 10/26/09 (Gene tuned 1/6/10)
     â€¢ TF89 .177 (Gene tuned) 9/6/09
     â€¢ Remington Vantage 1200 .177 8/22/09 (Gene tuned 1/6/10)
     â€¢ Daisy 953 (pneumatic) 8/02/08
     â€¢ Gamo Big Cat 2/5/10 ( gas piston?!)

     â€¢ Sightron SII 4-16x42 AO  
     â€¢ Leupold VX-II 3-9x33 Ultralight EFR AO
     â€¢ Bushnell Trophy 6-18x42 AO  
     â€¢ Swift 686 High Recoil 6.5-20x44 AO  
     â€¢ Hawke Air Max 4-12x40 AO  
     â€¢ Bushnell Banner 6-18x50 AO

Offline thebookdoc

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Re: Matters not how nice a gun is if you can't shoot it...
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2010, 01:44:43 PM »
BTW -- several features were/are wonderful. the way the flip-up breach locks in is nice. the way the underlever cocking handle locks in is better than any underlever I've handled. there is a lot here that reminds me of the RWS 48 ( i know, a sidelever...but the weight and feel). However, if you can't shoot it, what is it worth?
     â€¢ Cometa Fusion Star (Gene tuned) 12/10/09
     â€¢ Cometa Fenix RWS 94 2/8/10
     â€¢ RWS Diana 48 .177 1/8/10 [TRADE for RWS 350]
     â€¢ Walther Force 1000 .177 11/11/09
     â€¢ TF89 .22 10/26/09 (Gene tuned 1/6/10)
     â€¢ TF89 .177 (Gene tuned) 9/6/09
     â€¢ Remington Vantage 1200 .177 8/22/09 (Gene tuned 1/6/10)
     â€¢ Daisy 953 (pneumatic) 8/02/08
     â€¢ Gamo Big Cat 2/5/10 ( gas piston?!)

     â€¢ Sightron SII 4-16x42 AO  
     â€¢ Leupold VX-II 3-9x33 Ultralight EFR AO
     â€¢ Bushnell Trophy 6-18x42 AO  
     â€¢ Swift 686 High Recoil 6.5-20x44 AO  
     â€¢ Hawke Air Max 4-12x40 AO  
     â€¢ Bushnell Banner 6-18x50 AO

Offline jay morgan

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Re: Matters not how nice a gun is if you can't shoot it...
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2010, 02:40:13 PM »
What's wrong with it bookdoc?to small, to big,smashed?I read when you wanted it & the guy said it did xxxf.p.s,Sooo in my opinion my heart would only be so big.
N.R.A.(endowment),G.O.A.(life), N.R.A. trainer for,c.c.w.,all firearms &reloading /\" NO FREEMAN SHALL EVER BE DEBARRED THE USE OF ARM\'S\"(Thomas Jefferson)

Offline Magnum

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Re: Matters not how nice a gun is if you can't shoot it...
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2010, 02:44:13 PM »
This does not sound good I looked at the new hatsan web site and they sure caught my eye. Not worth much if you can not load it Tho!  Do you see this as a design flaw or something you will have to send back for a correctly machined breach? I have a Diana 46 and one of my favorites:)

Offline thebookdoc

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Re: Matters not how nice a gun is if you can't shoot it...
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2010, 03:11:21 PM »
I tried 7 different kinds of pellets...all .177 in the flip up, on both sides, and in both sides of the loading area. It is too tight for ANY of them. You'd think a pellet would fit in one of four places. And the calibre is stamped on the barrel, so I'm not using the wrong thing. Everything looks fine. Nothing fits. I've loaded a few pellet guns...I have about 15 of them...
     â€¢ Cometa Fusion Star (Gene tuned) 12/10/09
     â€¢ Cometa Fenix RWS 94 2/8/10
     â€¢ RWS Diana 48 .177 1/8/10 [TRADE for RWS 350]
     â€¢ Walther Force 1000 .177 11/11/09
     â€¢ TF89 .22 10/26/09 (Gene tuned 1/6/10)
     â€¢ TF89 .177 (Gene tuned) 9/6/09
     â€¢ Remington Vantage 1200 .177 8/22/09 (Gene tuned 1/6/10)
     â€¢ Daisy 953 (pneumatic) 8/02/08
     â€¢ Gamo Big Cat 2/5/10 ( gas piston?!)

     â€¢ Sightron SII 4-16x42 AO  
     â€¢ Leupold VX-II 3-9x33 Ultralight EFR AO
     â€¢ Bushnell Trophy 6-18x42 AO  
     â€¢ Swift 686 High Recoil 6.5-20x44 AO  
     â€¢ Hawke Air Max 4-12x40 AO  
     â€¢ Bushnell Banner 6-18x50 AO

Offline thebookdoc

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Re: Matters not how nice a gun is if you can't shoot it...
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2010, 03:13:13 PM »
I like everything about the gun... but no joy when it came to loading. I've never had this problem before, and I guess I should have been suspicious when the last owner went to sell it unshot. You can't shoot what you can't load.
     â€¢ Cometa Fusion Star (Gene tuned) 12/10/09
     â€¢ Cometa Fenix RWS 94 2/8/10
     â€¢ RWS Diana 48 .177 1/8/10 [TRADE for RWS 350]
     â€¢ Walther Force 1000 .177 11/11/09
     â€¢ TF89 .22 10/26/09 (Gene tuned 1/6/10)
     â€¢ TF89 .177 (Gene tuned) 9/6/09
     â€¢ Remington Vantage 1200 .177 8/22/09 (Gene tuned 1/6/10)
     â€¢ Daisy 953 (pneumatic) 8/02/08
     â€¢ Gamo Big Cat 2/5/10 ( gas piston?!)

     â€¢ Sightron SII 4-16x42 AO  
     â€¢ Leupold VX-II 3-9x33 Ultralight EFR AO
     â€¢ Bushnell Trophy 6-18x42 AO  
     â€¢ Swift 686 High Recoil 6.5-20x44 AO  
     â€¢ Hawke Air Max 4-12x40 AO  
     â€¢ Bushnell Banner 6-18x50 AO

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Can we see a pic?
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2010, 03:46:11 PM »
Any chance we can see a pic of the breech?
Matt N.
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QB-78D .177  
Tech Force 6 (how did that get here?)

Offline Mark 611

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Re: Matters not how nice a gun is if you can't shoot it...
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2010, 03:53:05 PM »
I had a B40 like that almost sent it back! untill I took a piece of emery cloth fine grit and and worked the breech  untill it would fit the pellet I was trying to shoot and it turned out to be one of the most accurate rifles I've ever shot so thats something you might want to try!

Offline CharlieDaTuna

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RE: Matters not how nice a gun is if you can't shoot it...
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2010, 04:07:33 PM »
It does sound like the breech may have a bit of distortion in it. It takes very little to prevent loading a pellet....just a thousandths or so out of round or rough edge.

I would think that it could be checked for any flaw and with the careful use of the right tool such a tapered sanding/grinding stone and dremel tool and then fine sanded with 600 grit, be champhered just a bit and opened up. I have done a lot of chambers/breeches in the past using that method.
Bob  aka:  CharlieDaTuna
Co-founder of the GTA


Home of the NPSS-NP Triggers:  


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Offline thebookdoc

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Re: NOW it shoots!
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2010, 12:55:43 AM »
To follow up... a) I was a bit PO'd that the rifle was unloadable and I vented. b) I sat back and took inventory.

I got out a loupe to take a look at the 4 holes, but still assuming I was supposed to load at the barrel as the other 3 holes made much less sense (alignment and seam issues could prevent a pellet from passing, and that would really take away from the advantage of a fixed barrel somewhat). but I checked all of them. Sure enough, the barrel breach had a ding, like someone tried to stuff a BB in it and missed (I cant say that was it, that's just what it looked like). So I took out the dremel and honed that down. 10 minutes later I was shooting 1-holers at 10yards off-hand. Half an hour later I'd gotten used to the shot cycle and beside some grind in cocking (which I expect I'll fix) it was pretty awesome. Unlike other underlevers (and side-levers) that require the cocking handle to be open when you load, you can cock and load this in any order: load-and-cock, load-while-cocking-arm-is-open, cock-and-load. It feels so much better and less awkward than holding the cocking arm open!

So...I went from PO'd to convert in about 2 hours. I thought I'd love the flip-up, and I do. Quite frankly the accuracy is a surprise with all the bad I hear about Hatsan/Turkish guns. The lock for the cocking lever in simple, but clicks nicely into place with a spring action plunger that locks the cocking arm closed. You have to release it with a light tug from fore-finger and thumb. In all, a pretty clever design. I wish the flip-up was not plastic as I might feel it'd last longer, but everything else is much better than it should be for a $90 gun.

apologies for panic. I think I'm going to have this one grow on me...
     â€¢ Cometa Fusion Star (Gene tuned) 12/10/09
     â€¢ Cometa Fenix RWS 94 2/8/10
     â€¢ RWS Diana 48 .177 1/8/10 [TRADE for RWS 350]
     â€¢ Walther Force 1000 .177 11/11/09
     â€¢ TF89 .22 10/26/09 (Gene tuned 1/6/10)
     â€¢ TF89 .177 (Gene tuned) 9/6/09
     â€¢ Remington Vantage 1200 .177 8/22/09 (Gene tuned 1/6/10)
     â€¢ Daisy 953 (pneumatic) 8/02/08
     â€¢ Gamo Big Cat 2/5/10 ( gas piston?!)

     â€¢ Sightron SII 4-16x42 AO  
     â€¢ Leupold VX-II 3-9x33 Ultralight EFR AO
     â€¢ Bushnell Trophy 6-18x42 AO  
     â€¢ Swift 686 High Recoil 6.5-20x44 AO  
     â€¢ Hawke Air Max 4-12x40 AO  
     â€¢ Bushnell Banner 6-18x50 AO

Offline tjk

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Re: Matters not how nice a gun is if you can't shoot it...
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2010, 04:14:32 AM »
Awesome news!! Nothing better than a happy ending. How's the trigger? tjk
397 Benji-98\' model    
Marksman  0035, My Fav!,CDT T\'d
Crosman Sierra-Pro,.177
Benji 392 08\'
CDT TT\'d RWS 34 .22,CP 4-16X40 AO
MM T\'d Marksman 0035
Crosman G1 Extreme
Daisy PowerLine 1000
TF-97 .22
B-28A MM T\'d
B-28 OEM Tuned by me
Beeman .22 RX-2 w/Theoben GR
Beeman .177 R1 Santa Rosa

Offline rbshoots

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Re: Matters not how nice a gun is if you can't shoot it...
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2010, 06:43:40 PM »
Yeah the newer Turkey guns have gotten a bad rap IMO....... I had a Turkish made Winchester 1000X .177 that was really quite accurate and very powerful....the only bad thing about it was a not so good trigger pull which was remedied with a slightly longer adjustment screw..... gald you got your problem fixed
Bam 21 .177
Bam B-40 .177
Bam B-26  .177
BSA lightning XL .22
RWS 460 mag .22
RWS 350 feuerkraft .177
RWS 350 feuerkraft pro compact .22
RWS 34 panther .22
Tech Force 99 .22
 M-Rod in .22
Webley Stingray .177