Well I spoke with Joel this afternoon and he isn't going to be able to get any saturdays off this month for a shootout at his parents ranch. I suggested a Sunday afternoon (after church) shootout, but Joel pointed out that some people would have to drive pretty far for a half day event. I don't know if that would work for anyone else, so we are kinda on hold for now. If anyone has any suggestions that would be great, right now I'm looking at shooting my two pcp air rifles at a target 13 yards away.....today would be a good day for me to shoot, or tomorrow, or the next day. Yes, 13 yards, not 130 yards.....I missed the last shootout, I am needing some longer distances:)
If a Sunday sounds good to anyone else I will try to harass Joel into taking us out there a few weeks from now. PM me or post here with suggestions.