Author Topic: Poll,, Lets Vote,,  (Read 14551 times)

Offline miked6762

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Re: Poll,, Lets Vote,,
« Reply #30 on: September 21, 2008, 07:37:47 AM »
How about troll of the week?

Offline miked6762

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Re: Poll,, Lets Vote,,
« Reply #31 on: September 21, 2008, 07:41:28 AM »
-not pointing that at anyone, by the way--just thought it was a funny pic.

Offline TexasShooter72

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RE: Poll,, Lets Vote,,
« Reply #32 on: September 21, 2008, 07:58:52 AM »
Wow!  See what I get for going fishing this weekend?  Apparently I've missed some excitement.  

Guess I'm just as guilty as those in question when stating my own stupid opinions.  I've always been on the opinion that religion and politics are best discussed over a 5th of scotch...   that way by morning everyone's just as lost as we all started having ot remembered anything.

I would say that alleviation of the discussion of politics and/or religion would be a good start.  Neither have anything to do with air-gunning unless "the Right to bare arms" is somehow in question.

My .02 cents...
David Slade Tuned, Theoben Gas Ram BSA Super Sport XL .177
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RE: Poll,, Lets Vote,,
« Reply #33 on: September 21, 2008, 09:22:39 AM »
Interesting that you want to ban one person who actually asks questions and can back them up. You tolerate an encourage racist remarks by one Jaymo who seems to blame blacks for everything but psoriasis.

I posted a direct quote from a US Treaty that says the US Government is not founded on the Christian Religion. Drafted under George Washington and signed by John Adams. Somehow too many of the folk here don't agree with our early Presidents and signers of the Declaration of Independance.

I wonder at the lack of knowledge of one who denies his college town can have crack addicts or sales going on. Years of exposure in law enforcement circles has given me a good look that it can 'happen here', even in small towns. Few here had ever heard of Columbine HS before two deranged teens put it on the map. Before that it was a sleepy, small town where the attitude was 'it can't happen here'. Well, it did. Same with many other places no one knows until some local 'good kids' go nuts on them.

So take a poll and ban thinking and discussion. Hide racists and prejudice and hate all you want. It will come back to bite you eventually.

Go read the fairy tales in the Bible and feel secure until the problems hit you again and then cry to the government to bail you out of your own stupidity like the folks dumb enough to live in hurricane country and flood plains who are too damn stupid to buy insurance or move away.

Offline Jaymo

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Re: Poll,, Lets Vote,,
« Reply #34 on: September 21, 2008, 10:19:30 AM »
WoooHooo! Now I'm a racist for stating fact. Hot D@mn, I made it onto Mahonri's Sh!t List. Guess I'd better keep it up or else he'll find out that I just like twisting his n!pples.
15th Battalion, Mississippi Sharpshooters, CSA.

Il buono, il cattivo, ed il brutto.

\"Mmm, bacon.\"
\"Mmm, squirrel.\"

Offline daved

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Non-Productive Post time?
« Reply #35 on: September 21, 2008, 10:29:18 AM »
This thread has now degenerated into indiscriminate name calling, I think it's about time we all let it go and move on.  And yes, I'm well aware that I've added to it in a less than positive way.  If you can't drop it here, I'm asking Gene to move it to the Non Productive posts, because that's now what it is.  Thanks.


Offline Izzie45895

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RE: Non-Productive Post time? YEP.
« Reply #36 on: September 21, 2008, 11:21:14 AM »
Yep, you're right.
Timmy, Brandon, Jeremy, Bill, David, Parks, Gary, Nathan, Jeff, Chris, Michael, JoeCuz, J, Matt, and yes, even me. All stating their own opinion instead of adopting yours.

I think the whole dang thread should just be deleted. Seig Heil!!!!
