Author Topic: Get rid of the IRS  (Read 2708 times)

Offline riflejunkie

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Get rid of the IRS
« on: November 08, 2008, 02:16:38 AM »
It's a mean organization and it needs to be replaced with something that would make more sense. Go to to learn more. If you aren't familiar with it you should be and this is a realistic possibility as there are already people in the House and Senate who support it. I wonder how many homes are being lost because the IRS is squeezing delinquent taxpayers into bankruptcy instead of accepting reasonable offers in compromise. I just learned of one yesterday.
Daisy 853 with apertures; FWB 300S with apertures; Mike Melick tuned B-26 and B-40.
Dog - George, RIP

Offline TCups

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RE: Get rid of the IRS
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2008, 02:39:44 AM »
How can the social engineering and wealth redistribution necessary for social justice be achieved without a progressive tax policy?  FDR is rolling over in his grave.  How can you think like that --unless your are one of those racist, mean spirited, heartless, money-grubbing Capitalists!  Just be quiet and pay your fair share.  Obama will let you know shortly how much that is . . . this year.  Of course, it's going to take a lot more government spending to get the economy back on track after the devastation inherited from George Bush and the Republicans.  Probably a couple of trillion next year alone.  It is a small price to pay to keep deserving low income families from having to pay mortgages, save the US auto industry, bail out a bankrupt Detroit, rescue California from it's failed economic state, and in addition, make sure there is international funding to Islamic school kids to help teach them we are their friends, provide free national health care, and expand all the other deserving government programs.  But don't worry.  If you make less than $250K a year (or so) you won't see a penny of increased taxes.  Obama has a plan!  Just wait and see.

Offline riflejunkie

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RE: Get rid of the IRS
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2008, 02:59:49 AM »
Do I detect a well developed sense of sarcasm? I don't want to leave my daughter with a gestapo like government entity like the IRS.  All of our kids deserve to be left somethng better than this.
Daisy 853 with apertures; FWB 300S with apertures; Mike Melick tuned B-26 and B-40.
Dog - George, RIP

Offline TCups

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RE: Get rid of the IRS
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2008, 03:03:10 AM »
Sarcasm?  Me?  Well . . . not being sarcastic at this point, may I say that I fear it may be too late to change your daughter's inheritance.  But like Obama says, we can hope for change.

Offline Big_Bill

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RE: Get rid of the IRS
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2008, 06:11:11 AM »

Words...JUST WORDS !

The Sheeple have followed the Pied Piper's Tune, and now is the time, NOT to born be in interesting times, Just WORDS !

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