Author Topic: Saul's Social Justice and Americas New Revolution (Deal)  (Read 2192 times)

Offline TCups

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Saul's Social Justice and Americas New Revolution (Deal)
« on: November 08, 2008, 01:55:06 AM »

Of course, lumping the name our new community organizer-elect, "Obama" with names like Chavez, Wright, Ayers, and other political radicals with direct connections to Chicago radical social political organization founded by Saul Alinski was just an imaginary construct of mean-spirited, racist right wingers who rightfully deserved to be ridiculed by the national press and broadcast media.  After all Sara Palin is a mindless air head who was hell-bent on shopping her way to the VP and didn't even know the nations of the African continent (Right -- but at least she knew there were 50 United States) and McCain was just a discombobulated old guy with no real plan (other than to continue the Bush policies), running around ineffectually waving his hands like Yosemite Sam when the dynamite didn't go off.  [See Rules # 5, 11]

Capitalism v. Socialism - America's future prosperity in the balance.  So let's roll the dice of "change".  After all, it was Bush personally who cased all this mess.  I just keep wondering how he got gasoline prices to spike over $4/gal and precipitate the burst of the housing bubble and sub-prime loan market scheme (remember, the Carter/Clinton program to make housing affordable to deserving low income families?) toppling the international markets on the eve of the election.  And all those jobs Bush policies have cost!  It could have been worse without a Democratic Congress these last two years, though.  What a complete a-hole Bush is.  Those heartless Republicans deserve what they got - nationalization of the American banking system and mortgaging our economy to the Federal [sic] Reserve.

And anyway, this ultimately proves that Capitalism was always the wrong direction.  Thank God we have Obama and a Democratic Congress, an effective  new "Central Committee" ready to draw up new 4-year and 8-year economic plans, institute Social Justice, fix health care, share all the wealth and above all, restore the economy!  Happy times are here again, the skies are turning blue again  . . .  Now we can quit worrying about all of this, unify and put all this unpleasantness behind us, and get back to what is really important and what we love the most - air gunzzzzzzzzzz!  etc.

Offline Big_Bill

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RE: Saul's Social Justice and Americas New Revolution (Deal)
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2008, 05:54:23 AM »

Tommy buddy,

I fervently believe that the Democrats have been planing and organizing the election since they couldn't steal the last election against Bush and Gore. After all, the Congress has had a lower approval rating than Bush !

There cleaver orchestration of the oil prices increase, is easy to see and follow, but when could you buy oil futures at such a small margin, and such large a quantities, and still remain anonymous ? Perhaps it's the same as the $200 campaign donations that flooded Obama's campaign coffers, almost untraceable, and now, no one will even care to find out where that all came from. With George Soros's money, almost anything is possible

The Housing failures have existed for years, all it took for them to become public, and create a panic, was to wait,and promote it to the disintrested public, and let them know that the sky was falling.

So now to correct the problem, we have the Government handing out money, without conditions and the Banks are using it for everything except low interest loans. And we wonder way things aren't improving ?

As I understand it, all it takes for the Banks to become loan friendly, is for the Federal Reserve to open it's doors, and start lending money to the Banks, at a rate that they can pass on, and make a profit. Is Federal Reserve Bank doing anything, at all ?

Food for Thought, or Just WORDS...Meaningless WORDS :(

It just feels better to get off your chest..............

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Offline FlashGordon

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Re: Saul's Social Justice and Americas New Revolution (Deal)
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2008, 07:20:22 AM »
Right on Bib Bill! Enuff said!