Author Topic: REQUIEM FOR A NATION  (Read 2943 times)

Offline Curioguy

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« on: November 08, 2008, 02:54:54 AM »
I'm sure that there are a few of you who will not agree with this essay but it does express exactly how I feel and I am not ashamed to admit it.  Also, this may sound a bit selfish but I thank God every day that I was born and raised in a time that I could enjoy freedoms that, unfortunately, my children and grandchild will not experience.  And for that I am truly saddened. I personally do not know the author of this writing but I thought that it was profound and I want  to share it with you.


Requiem is defined as a prayer for the dead.

On Tuesday November 4, 2008, we were witness to the death of our nation, as
we have known it for these 233 years since 1775.  This was a long, slow, and
painful death from a disease known by various names; Socialism, Marxism, and
Communism.   They are all one and the same, they give power and control over
the populace to a small group of people.  This country first really
contracted this disease in 1933 when Franklin D. Roosevelt took office as
President of these United States of America, and it has progressed until the
present.  Yes, there were periods of time when we were in remission, Ronald
Reagan and Newt Gingrich come to mind, but basically the country has been
infected with this disease for a long time.  In the 1930s Harry Hopkins said
to FDR, “tax, tax, spend, spend, elect, elect, and the people  are too
damned dumb to understand what’s happening”.  This is what has happened to

Our demise was foretold in 1776, in a book by a Scottish historian named
Alexander Fraser Tytler, at Edinburg University.  In that book, he wrote the
following passage.

"  A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government.  It can only
exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse (
generous benefits ) from the public treasury.
  From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates
promising them the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result
that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed
by a dictatorship.
The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years.
These nations have progressed through this sequence:
From bondage to spiritual faith: from spiritual faith to great courage;
from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to
selfishness; from selfishness to complacency; from complacency  to apathy;
from apathy to dependence; from dependence back into bondage."
Professor Tytler was not writing of the fledgling United States, we were not
even a recognized country at that point in time.  The title of his book was
“The Decline And Fall Of The Athenian Republic”, written about the Athenian
Republic, some 2,000 years earlier.  For anyone not believing this, do a
Google on Alexander Frasier Tytler, and find the link to Edinburg
University.  We have seen that our elected representatives, both in the
House and Senate, learned well the benefits of promises, as have
Presidential candidates, whether or not they intend to honor those promises.

Our country was founded by Christian men, on Christian principles.  Hard
work, success, saving, and charity were encouraged, personal charity, not
the forced charity of the government taking something from one group to give
another group.  The Constitution set forth equality of opportunity, but not
equality of result, which was left to personal initiative and hard work.

On November 4, 2008, Barack Hussein Obama was elected President of The
United States of America.  During his two year long campaign, he told us
much of what his philosophy of government is, raise taxes on several things,
dividends, capital gains, and inheritance taxes.When Steven Joseph
Wurzelbacher, Joe the plumber, asked a totally unscripted question about
taxes, Obama said “ I don’t mean to punish your success, but we must insure
that those below you have a chance to succeed, too.  When you spread the
money around, everybody benefits”. (author’s note: Except the poor sucker
that took the risk and earned the money).  He might as well have opened The
Communist Manifesto, by Karl Marx in 1848, to the page where it says “we
shall take from those that have, and give to those that have not”.   Couple
that with his wife’s comment in New York City on October 15th,  2008, “The
truth is, in order to get things like universal health care, and a revamped
education system, then someone is going to have to give up a piece of the
pie, so that someone else can have more”, then we can see another idea
straight out of the Socialist/Communist playbook, that economics are a Zero
Sum arrangement.  There is only so much money, if someone makes money, it
takes money from someone else.

We have heard much about how the current economic situation was brought
about by
“the failed economic policies of George Bush”.  The original meltdown was
started by the sub-prime mortgage crisis, when Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
went belly up.  The reason for this was brought about by the Community
Reinvestment Act, or CRA, of 1977, and strengthened in 1999.  Every time
anyone voiced concerns about these operations needing investigation or more
oversight, they were shouted down by Barney Frank, and Chris Dodd, in the
House and Senate respectively.  Maxine Waters also got into the act,
praising Fannie and Freddie for the wonderful job they were doing of getting
unqualified people into their own home.  Franklin Raines was praised for the
good work of Fannie, and it went under.  NINJA loans, No Income, No Job or
Assets, given to people on the basis of counting welfare payments and
unemployment checks as income to qualify for a loan.  Anyone doubting this
can do as I did, do the research.  Ain’t Google wonderful?

Barack Hussein Obama has told us, with his own words, out of his own mouth,
and from his pen in his writings, what his philosophy of government is.
Redistribution of wealth through taxation.  In 2001, when he was in the
Illinois Senate, he appeared on a call in radio show for a Chicago station
where he expressed disappointment with the Supreme Court, in either the
Warren or Marshall era, that the Court had not done enough to bring
“redistributive” changes.  In other words, he expected the Supreme Court,
through rulings, to take money from those that earn it, and give it those
who don’t work.  He has also been recorded as saying that the Constitution
does not say anything about what the government is going to do for us, only
what the government can’t do to us, which is simply not true, all one has to
do is read the Constitution.

He has said that there will be no off-shore, or on-shore, drilling for oil,
and there will be no coal fired steam generators built because he will
impose regulations that will bankrupt the builders, and that the cost of
electricity will rise dramatically as a result.

Over the past 75 years welfare has fostered class warfare where one segment
of the population has been told that the “rich” owe them a living, until
they believe it.  For the “have nots” this is a good thing.  For Obama it
was a good thing, it enabled him to get more control of more people.

There is very little personal opinion stated here, all of this can be
verified if one deigns to spend the effort to research these historical
facts.  I did.

The majority always votes for the candidates promising them the most
benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always
collapses over loose fiscal policy.

With B. Hussein Obama in command, and with his willing accomplices Nancy
Pelosi, and Harry Reid in the House and Senate, we have witnessed the demise
of our country as we know it, we should all say a prayer for the dead.  To
my Jewish friends, please say Kaddish for the country, it died on November
4th, 2008.

William P. Mangum, Jr.
Decatur, GA

Offline Big_Bill

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« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2008, 06:05:30 AM »

Well said Gary,

A Beautiful epitaph to our Nation !

God Help US ALL !


Life Member of The United States of America
Life Member of the National Rifle Association
Member Air Guns Addicted Anonymous
Always Use A Spring Compressor ! and Buy the GREAT GRT-III & CBR Triggers, cause they are GRRRREAT !

Offline daveshoot

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« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2008, 07:52:45 AM »
Very succinct summary but a tad overstated. I am just not going to panic yet. Bad things will happen and we are tilting the wrong way, but we are hardly dead.
I am opposed to it all as the next guy, well obviously more so, but we have to keep it in perspective. C'mon man, it's the USA we're talking about. After 4 years of these clowns at the wheel, those "undecideds" are going to have a good look at the new boss, and we'll have another go.

I don't understand "undecideds", though....
Steroid Sheridan rocker, Daisy 990, SS1000, B26-2, QB-57, Crosman 150 (TW), Crosman 1377 x 2,  RWS5G, MP513, IZH53, RWS9N/Cometa, MP661k Drozd, Walther Falcon Hunter, RWS 34 Panther, XS-B3-1, Cummins B3s, RWS94 Cometa x 2, RWS48, Beeman R7, Daisy Avanti 853, RWS92 Cometa 220, Beeman P3, IZH-46M x 2, Daisy Avanti 747, Diana 24, B5-10, BSA Lightning .22, Crosman Marauder #39 .22, Crosman 1322 Phase 1, Diana Model 20, HW70, Shin Sung Dragon Slayer .50, Haenel Model 26, Slavia 620, HW45/.177

Offline TCups

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« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2008, 11:10:24 AM »
Name one liberal Supreme Court Justice who was ever removed 4 years later.  Name one bloated government bureaucracy or entitlement program that was ever downsized 4 years later (Remember the Republicans being savaged for "cutting" Medicare and Social Security when the rate of increase they supported were not as much as what Clinton wanted?). Tell me if you think there will be more or fewer economically disadvantaged voters in 4 years -- voters looking for a change, a new government stimulus package, and welfare benefits.  Tell me if there will be more or fewer folks over 65 demanding their Medicare and Social Security benefits not be cut.  The economy may go up and down, but the size of big government and entitlement programs go only one way -- the same way as the national debt and tax burden that necessarily follows -- up.  And they are about to do so more dramatically than at any time in our nation's history, in the midst of a financial melt down.  And historically, as democracies age, they tend toward socialism, not free market capitalism, independent of Republican or Democrat elected leaders.

So, for those who were undecided -- it's about to be decided for you.  I wish I shared your optimism, daveshoot -- can you tell me why you are optimistic?  Term limits?  Don't think so.  Government downsizing?  Doubt it.  A change in the character of America's voting public?  Maybe, but as likely as not, it won't be a change for the better.  That damned Bush!  If only the Dems could have headed him off back in 2006 by taking control of the Congress (oops, I must have meant 2004).  If only Pelosi and Reid, and Barney Frank had more time to set things right.  

And as I watch the news tonight, it seems that bonehead "Putin is determined", as the news commentator opines, "to get off on the wrong foot with Obama" just days after the election, by re-deploying tactical nuclear missiles in eastern Europe.  What is he thinking? Go figure.  

Sorry to be so negative, but after all, I am a Conservative, a capitalist with my own business, and a Tennessee football fan. God I miss Ron Regan, the 20% top bracket income tax rate and the heady days of Peyton Manning taking the snaps from center.

Happy days are here again, the skies are turning blue again. . .

Offline daveshoot

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« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2008, 03:37:36 PM »
I agree and said most of that here and elsewhere but what are you going to do? Move to France?
Grit and bear it. No alternatives.
Why did we lose this? I contend it was ours to lose, and the Republicans chose to compromise with the System and just become more of Them. They did not sell their/our position and I'm not sure many of them could clearly state what that is. There is this theme that everyone should be like Us and those who aren't, are stupid. I don't understand Undecideds, but I do know we have to keep explaining, keep selling, keep revealing what our opponents are really after, and never ever let up.
This time, they let up.
We have to learn from this and come back guns a-blazin'.
You don't like my answers, fill in the blanks.
The Great Communicator (I worked in his '76 campaign and shook his hand, drove in the motorcade, very cool) sidestepped the media and Congress, and went straight to the people, with clarity and heart. We did not have this, this time around. We have not had it in a long time. It is time to question why we failed, not why others succeeded. The media have always been hostile and that's not why. Remember Contract with America? They forgot the message and sold us out.

Ideologies don't run the country, parties do.

You're a straight shooter from the same side of the tracks I am. We can't write America off, and we need to do a better job next time by learning from this one.
Steroid Sheridan rocker, Daisy 990, SS1000, B26-2, QB-57, Crosman 150 (TW), Crosman 1377 x 2,  RWS5G, MP513, IZH53, RWS9N/Cometa, MP661k Drozd, Walther Falcon Hunter, RWS 34 Panther, XS-B3-1, Cummins B3s, RWS94 Cometa x 2, RWS48, Beeman R7, Daisy Avanti 853, RWS92 Cometa 220, Beeman P3, IZH-46M x 2, Daisy Avanti 747, Diana 24, B5-10, BSA Lightning .22, Crosman Marauder #39 .22, Crosman 1322 Phase 1, Diana Model 20, HW70, Shin Sung Dragon Slayer .50, Haenel Model 26, Slavia 620, HW45/.177

Offline FlashGordon

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« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2008, 07:09:36 AM »
I couldn't have said it any better myself Bill ! God Bless.