Author Topic: For Sale: Springer Tuning E-book training CD - $35 shipped  (Read 4139 times)

Offline AASkiff

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For Sale: Springer Tuning E-book training CD - $35 shipped
« on: January 03, 2009, 06:09:02 AM »
Hello gang,

I created  an interactive E-Book training CD titled “In Tune with a Springer” it will teach you folks how to  tune a springer on your own. E-book consists of 36 hands on lessons, with detail images and small paragraphs of text with explanation of what is being done. We will completely strip down a GAMO springer in pictures (the principle of working this way will apply to almost all newer model springers out there and I will discuss the difference in the process )

I will walk you through the whole process step by step. I tried to make the CD as easy for the beginner to follow as possible. At the end of the course you will have a solid knowledge base on how to work on spring air rifle, what goes into a tune, and be able to work on your own gun/s.

What is covered:

1.How to open an air rifle without a spring compressor using  basic tools.
2.How to strip  down a springer  and remove all the parts
3.How to clean the internal parts
4.How to optimize a main spring, and proper way to trim it
5.How and where to lube your rifle internals
6.Gas spring Installation
7.How to replace a piston seal
9.How to chop a barrel and make a new crown
10.Power tune and mods
11.Tips and strategy for your spring air rifle optimization.

$35 Shipped. Will take PayPal

Offline Big_Bill

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RE: For Sale: Springer Tuning E-book training CD - $35 shipped
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2009, 08:01:28 AM »

Hey Alex,

How long have you been tuning springers, and how many springers do you think you have tuned, before you made this e-book ? Oh, and where is your shop located ?


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Offline AASkiff

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Re: For Sale: Springer Tuning E-book training CD - $35 shipped
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2009, 08:26:07 AM »

I am not a dealer, just a hobbiest. I was an FT shooter before. So they tought me real well at an early age how to take down a springer. In fact we were not allowed to shoot one until we were able to service it. And I don't have a shop. Nor do you need to have shop to work on an airgun, everything can be done with simple home tools, replacement parts can be made to order by local machinist, main springs and seals can be ordered online. I talk about this in my CD. As far as how many guns have I tuned ? Over  50 for sure. But to get skills you can do 3-5 rifles then it becomes very easy. What is important is to have a concept and to have a solid base of how things work then it is a matter of being able to read the diagram of your particular model to be able to work on it.

Offline CharlieDaTuna

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RE: For Sale: Springer Tuning E-book training CD - $35 shipped
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2009, 05:47:12 AM »
This post has been moved to the non-productive section because it appears to contain dangerous suggestions and quite possibly mis-information. Until we can pre-view the CD and determine it's content, and to protect our membership, it will not be available on the main forums.
Bob  aka:  CharlieDaTuna
Co-founder of the GTA


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