I have an old Sheridan Blue Streak .20 cal pumper that I bought new when I was 12 years old, which makes the gun 37 years old, and I wanted to put a scope on it without spending a ton of money so I ordered one of those Tasco Golden Antler Scopes Rich is always mentioning. I figured for $27 bucks, shipping included complete with a set of rings, how could I go wrong. Anyway, I mounted the scope on the Sheridan the day after Christmas and finally sighted it in this afternoon using the Benjamin domed pellets and Beeman FTS pellets I ordered from Pyramydair.
Long story short,,,,, best $27 bucks I ever spent

The image is crisp and clear, the power setting and AO dials work fine and the AO distance settings provide for a clear focused image at the dialed settings when compared to the actual range.
Within 15 minutes I had that old pumper shooting dead center, one ragged hole groups at 25 yards with both the Benjamin Domed and the FTS pellets. The other thing I discovered is how quickly pumping that gun 8 times for each shot caused my damaged rotator cuff joint to swell and ache, but I was so thrilled with the groups I was shooting I just kept pumping and shooting away. Of course now, hours later as I sit here typing, I'm feeling results of over taxing my shoulder, but it was worth it.
I plan on ordering another one of these scopes to put on one of the $74 Shadows I picked up,,, it'll make a good duck farm starling combo. Thanks for recommending that scope Rich.