As many of you know I newer to airgunning (a bit over 6 months). I own a .22 RWS 34 Panther and have fired various pellets through it (Crow Magnums, Superdomes,Silver Arrows, and Meisterkugeln ). I don't have a chrony as of yet and I know that without one I am just really spinning my wheels as far as FPE, but from my 20 yd. groupings I am getting the best results from the Crow Magnums and Superdomes. The others aren't bad, they give 3/4" groups or less, but the Crow Mags and Superdomes consistently group at 1/2" or less from bench with 10 shot groups.
After reading DA TUNA's recommendation regarding heavy pellets (recommends less than 15 grains for .22) and the potential damage to the spring I getting away from the Crow Magnums for punching paper, but since I like paper punching with what I hunt I am facing a dilemma. Based on take on the RWS 34 .22, the best coefficients come from Crosman Premiers, Beeman Trophy, Beeman FTS (ALL UNDER 15 GRAINS). So I am going to order these 3, but does anyone have any suggestions for a 4th tin?
Consider I like paper punching and hunting with same pellet and pellets should be under DA TUNA's recommendation of less than 15 Grains.
Thank you in advance