As in "Charlie Da Tuna"

?? Man I really should keep my mouth shut on this one,,,,,,I cant.

I am a member of several forums. I have Friends from A thru Z. My Friend A,, hates my friend Z. I am good Friends with "A",,,,,I am also good Buddys with "Z". If I lose a "Friend" over that fact,,,,,,they must not have been MY FRIEND to begin with. :0 Here goes: I have met CDT,,Bob Werner (I call him Mr. Bob) on many ocasions. I consider him a true FRIEND & have great admiration for him,,, not only as an airgun expert,,,, but as a fine person with a heart of Gold. I know of his kindness first hand & things he has done for Friends of mine. (Way outside the realm of airguns) Now,,, I may be a Friend of yours,,,,,you may not be a friend with another of my Friends. So be it. I dont know what happened to "Super 6,s" posts. Im not a moderator here,& never will be. (Peak can testify to that!!LOL!!) (I dont have the edumication for it,,,& I do tend to fly off the handle at times) Those "times",,,kinda like now,, when my pea brain percieves any kind of what I consider a personal attack against not only a Friend of mine,,,,But,,, someone I consider FAMILY. Bob Werner & Gene Curtis are FAMILY tome for MANY reasons. If I get banned from other forums for that statement,,, so be it. Put that in yer pipe n smoke it. Tim. PS. see how well behaved I was on that post Steph.?? :p