Author Topic: Learned a lesson on the other forum today  (Read 15713 times)

Offline billharmon2

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Re: Learned a lesson on the other forum today
« Reply #30 on: February 04, 2009, 04:45:16 AM »
I am glad this didn't turn into a mess. I was concerned about that.It seems that we are all adults here and conduct ourselves in that manner. I am waiting for a reply from their moderator to an email I sent telling him politely where he can stick his attitude.

Offline RedFeather

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Re: Learned a lesson on the other forum today
« Reply #31 on: February 04, 2009, 06:33:51 AM »
redfish - 2/4/2009  7:15 AM

the thing that bugs me with Other forum is that its not just the a couple of guys any more they converted most of the yellow against da tuna i don't know whatever ones problem is there is to much of this in the Air Gunning world just like mr. frilly big bore changeling Dennis. (Dennis = tuna)  (mr.frilly = other forum members) i don't get why some people tune a hand full of guns call them self's masters and then disregard has trash one of the most respected aspects of the airgun tuning world.

I guess you are alluding to their on/off tirade against certain air gun tuners here who, in their humble (?) opinion, don't meet their standards.  I find it hard to compare their observations against the stream of testimonials which come through here on a daily basis.  Maybe it's a case of us on this side not being enlightened enough to know the difference.  Me, I drink beer from the bottle and from the can, so I guess my standards are on the low side.  Still, not long ago I passed up a seemingly good deal on a fully tuned CFX. Might have been Jock Elliot's.  Anyway, the deal killer, for me, was that the tuner (from the other forum) offers as part of his tune needle bearings and I think these were included with this tune package.  I did some research and saw CDT's comments on guns he has seen pretty much destroyed by these, and that settled it for me.

Offline Big_Bill

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RE: In defense of the Yellow Forum...
« Reply #32 on: February 04, 2009, 06:38:53 AM »

Hey Brent buddy,

There is no policy here prevents Steve's name from being mentioned :) or Forum 54, or the Yellow Forum.

We have many, other forums listed in our Library, and information is not censored here !

I feel that Steve has helped our forum grow, and probably has helped sell a lot of GRT-III triggers. By making everything here, censored there, he has created interest in the GTA, and the GREAT GRT-III trigger ! And people want to know, and ounce they get here, they can't go back, and why would they :)

Now as for the past, Bob and Gene have moved on with their lives, and do not enjoy repeating the WHY, WHEN, WHERE, WHO'S and HOW'S, every time a new member joins up. Just as there are many of us, that don't dwell on the past in our lives, or relive it weekly !

As for me, I judge a Man by his works and deeds, and I see Bob and Gene as Great Men ! Giving us the BEST AIRGUN FORUM on the INTERNET !!!!! And SUCH A GREAT PLACE TO BE !!!!! Freely giving us there knowledge, information and most importantly Friendship !

All I want to say is: THANK YOU BOB AND GENE, FOR GIVING US SUCH A GREAT PLACE TO BE !!!!! And For Being Our Friends !!!!!

Life Member of The United States of America
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Member Air Guns Addicted Anonymous
Always Use A Spring Compressor ! and Buy the GREAT GRT-III & CBR Triggers, cause they are GRRRREAT !

Offline CFX Marauder

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RE: In defense of the Yellow Forum...
« Reply #33 on: February 04, 2009, 06:47:49 AM »
Big_Bill - 2/4/2009  2:38 PM

Hey Brent buddy,

There is no policy here prevents Steve's name from being mentioned :) or Forum 54, or the Yellow Forum.

We have many, other forums listed in our Library, and information is not censored here !

I feel that Steve has helped our forum grow, and probably has helped sell a lot of GRT-III triggers. By making everything here, censored there, he has created interest in the GTA, and the GREAT GRT-III trigger ! And people want to know, and ounce they get here, they can't go back, and why would they :)

Now as for the past, Bob and Gene have moved on with their lives, and do not enjoy repeating the WHY, WHEN, WHERE, WHO'S and HOW'S, every time a new member joins up. Just as there are many of us, that don't dwell on the past in our lives, or relive it weekly ! 

As for me, I judge a Man by his works and deeds, and I see Bob and Gene as Great Men ! Giving us the BEST AIRGUN FORUM on the INTERNET !!!!!  And SUCH A GREAT PLACE TO BE !!!!!  Freely giving us there knowledge, information and most importantly Friendship !

All I want to say is:  THANK YOU BOB AND GENE, FOR GIVING US SUCH A GREAT PLACE TO BE !!!!! And For Being Our Friends !!!!!

Bill...By the "S" word I meant the thingies that make your shooter quiet.. :)
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Offline PeakChick

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RE: In defense of the Yellow Forum...
« Reply #34 on: February 04, 2009, 08:20:29 AM »
That object who's name shall not be uttered...................   8)
The current stable, (arsenal, quiver?): BSA Lightning XL .177, BSA Sportsman HV .22, BSA Ultra .177, CZ634 .177, Daystate Harrier X .177, TAU 200 Senior .177, HW 97 .177, HW 50s .177, HW 30 .177, RWS 92 .177, Gamo 126 MC Super, Gamo Big Cat .177, AR2078A, QB78 .177, Quest 1000 .177, Beeman SS650 .177., Beeman P17 .177.

Those who do not learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it.

Offline billharmon2

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Re: Learned a lesson on the other forum today
« Reply #35 on: February 04, 2009, 09:31:13 AM »
Well I guess he told me. No major loss. I don't think any thing got bashed just a discussion of how it can be over there versus here. I didn't call him out he posted his e-mail address and said I should write if I had any questions why I was deleted. I did and this is the answer. Ok I get it. Enough said

Offline RedFeather

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Re: Learned a lesson on the other forum today
« Reply #36 on: February 04, 2009, 09:41:11 AM »
That's just how it is.  Hang up your guns or get out of Dodge.  I can see disallowing posts on the GRTIII since there was an ownership dispute, valid or not.  But they don't even allow referencing a post to this forum which may contain nothing about triggers or personalities.  That's just not right.  I've posted links to salient Yellow threads here because it's easier than copying them and re-posting.  Also posted links to here and the Yellow on the Diana Werke Collective and they haven't minded so far.  That's what the internet is supposed to be about.  Unfortunately, human nature is what it is.

Offline billharmon2

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Re: Learned a lesson on the other forum today
« Reply #37 on: February 04, 2009, 09:44:59 AM »
That is my plan it is a no win situation. Glad I am here.

Offline nmmike

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RE: Wait not more my friend.
« Reply #38 on: February 04, 2009, 10:07:57 AM »
One more time, then I'll quit :D  I have to put this here, cause they sure ain't gonna' let me over there.
Mike in NC: When you write "The GTA is a great place to come to bash the yellow" I would refer you to the yellow Chinese forum, pg.2, 01/18/09, titled:"edited due to a reference to a disallowed forum". Maybe people who live in glass houses etc. etc.
How about an agreement? We all retire to our respective corners & just let it go.

Offline PeakChick

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RE: Learned a lesson on the other forum today
« Reply #39 on: February 04, 2009, 10:11:45 AM »
OK, We've all had our say, one way or another. I'm of the opinion that this thread has run it's course and is now getting to the point of becomming another protracted, non-productive thread. I'm freezing it now, and will move it to the non-productive posts shortly. I'll welcome and address any sincere, productive PMs. Thanks all.
The current stable, (arsenal, quiver?): BSA Lightning XL .177, BSA Sportsman HV .22, BSA Ultra .177, CZ634 .177, Daystate Harrier X .177, TAU 200 Senior .177, HW 97 .177, HW 50s .177, HW 30 .177, RWS 92 .177, Gamo 126 MC Super, Gamo Big Cat .177, AR2078A, QB78 .177, Quest 1000 .177, Beeman SS650 .177., Beeman P17 .177.

Those who do not learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it.