Author Topic: NeedHelp ;Decisions on a 10 meter match rifle  (Read 8985 times)

Offline kirby999

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NeedHelp ;Decisions on a 10 meter match rifle
« on: January 29, 2009, 12:00:10 PM »
I'm sorta been watching and waiting for an Anschutz Super Air to go up for sell . I just recently passed on a Walther Mini , to wait for the Anschutz . Now another one of my want list rifles has been posted for sale. And that's why I posted here in the springer target forum. It's a RWS Diana 75 T01 . I shot J's when we had the first GTA Get-together and the stock just seem to fit , if you know what I mean . There's also a FWB 300S mini up for sale also . Can't decide to jump on the Diana or wait for the Super Air . Maybe my paypal check will come before the Diana sells . kirby
\" Shooting PCP\'s; I sometimes miss that  unmistakable smell of a springer . \"

Offline kirby999

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Another option ... Hey Dano
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2009, 03:07:17 PM »
Why not a S200 in a target stock with sights . That way I could always turn up the power and use it for other things . Anybody know how much the LOP will adjust on these ? kirby
\" Shooting PCP\'s; I sometimes miss that  unmistakable smell of a springer . \"

Offline riflejunkie

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RE: NeedHelp ;Decisions on a 10 meter match rifle
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2009, 03:25:15 PM »
FWB's are pretty nice and remember the Indian who took gold in Beijing shot a Walther.  The match rifle is going to be about 14 lbs.  The Air Arms EV2 FT rifle would give you top of the line equipment for Field Target.  Unless you plan to start shooting NRA/ISSF Free Rifle I'd point you to the EV2.
Daisy 853 with apertures; FWB 300S with apertures; Mike Melick tuned B-26 and B-40.
Dog - George, RIP

Offline daved

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RE: Another option ... Hey Dano
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2009, 05:22:19 PM »
You mean like this one, David?

I have the spacer from under the cheek piece on the butt now, that has the LOP just about 14".  I'm thinking of making some additional spacers, my long arms do better with LOP around 15".  Not that that's kept me from shooting it, it's a really sweet little rifle.  I've turned the power down some, it's doing about 14 fpe now, but I may turn it down lower.  Shot count at this level is somewhere in the 20-30 range, a little hard to tell as I'm only able to shoot at 10 yards right now.  Needless to say, 1 hole groups at 10 are the norm from the bench.  It also seems to like everything I feed it, and is just about the only rifle I've had that likes RWS Supermags.

I've wanted one of these for awhile now, I was actually after a 200 when I got the 400 I just traded on this.  Now that I have one, my only regret is that I didn't try harder to get one sooner :-).  Tried it with a diopter sight set, but couldn't get the elevation low enough with what I had, and besides, my eyes just don't like open sights any more.  The Burris Timberline I got from Gene is a perfect match, though, this thing might as well be a laser.  Get one, you won't be sorry.  Later.


Offline kirby999

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Thanks dave
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2009, 11:18:47 PM »
Yea; that's the one. I already have several options for shooting field target and I'm not too thrilled with a heavy rifle , so I think a S200T just might be a perfect choice. I have all the tanks and stuff to fill one. You rarely see one of them for sale used either , so I guess the folks who have them , keep them . kirby
\" Shooting PCP\'s; I sometimes miss that  unmistakable smell of a springer . \"

Offline kirby999

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RE Charlottte
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2009, 11:26:29 PM »
I'd love to have an EV2 . I'd just have to give up too much of what i have now. As far as shooting field target , my S400c's and Classic 's do do great for hunter class F/T and any other class I would want to compete in . I'm looking at something I can shoot 10 meter stuff with that's not too heavy and won't break the bank . At my age , I don't think I'll have the opportunity to compete in any 10 meter except here on line. Actually , if I could find the right sight setup , one of my S400C would probably work. kirby
\" Shooting PCP\'s; I sometimes miss that  unmistakable smell of a springer . \"

Offline daved

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RE: Thanks dave
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2009, 12:38:58 AM »
Tell me about it, I'd tried at least 4 times previously to trade something for an S200.  Got the 400 when I put my first Talon up for trade for an S200, tried again when the second Talon went on the block, and then tried to trade off the 400 a couple of times, too.  Finally got lucky, the guy I did the deal with had advertised for a .22 PCP, but when I emailed him with info on the power of my .177 400E, the deal was struck.  I think I've only seen 3 or 4 come up in the last year, if that.  And I can certainly understand way, this one's definitely a keeper :-).  Good luck!


Offline riflejunkie

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« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2009, 12:57:24 AM »
I'd say stay on the hunt for a used Anschutz, but don't turn down a Steyr, FWB or Walther if they present themselves.  
If you can qualify for a purchase through ODCMP you can save some money and get a new rifle.
Daisy 853 with apertures; FWB 300S with apertures; Mike Melick tuned B-26 and B-40.
Dog - George, RIP

Offline ac12basis

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light 10m rifle
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2009, 05:59:34 AM »
To get a "light" 10m rifle, in general, you need to get a "mini" or "junior" rifle.
The full size 10m match rifles are at the max weight, which I think is about 11 pounds.  They want the rifle as heavy as the rules allow, to help dampen wobble.

Now I don't know how much weight you can "remove" from one of the aluminum stock rifles, but then you start upsetting the balance.
Better to just get a mini/junior.

Next is to decide if you want CA/PCP, SSP vs spring.
If you want absolute minimal movement and least effort, then CA/PCP or CO2 is the choice.
If you want to avoid the logistics of gas, then SSP or spring.
If you like the charm and warmth of the older rifles or like shooting a "classic," then spring.

I have a FWB-300-mini and an FWB-P70-junior.
The 300 is fun to shoot, but for the most accuracy I shoot the P70 as it is easier to shoot more accurately.

Now here are the issues I have with most mini/junior match rifles.
- they are abidextrous, which means neither right nor left handed.  The pistol grip is a compromise for right and left hand shooters, not as comfortable as a dedicated right or left hand stock.  It is ambi simply because it is cheaper to make and inventory one ambi stock than a right and left hand stocks, especially when the selling volume is not as high as the full size rifles.  If they make right and left hand stocks, they would have to raise the price of the mini/juniors.
- there isn't a muzzle weight, so you get more muzzle movement.  For many you can get factory or aftermarket muzzle weights, so this isn't a deal breaker.
- if you are TALL, the shorter LoP can be an issue.  If you are short like me (5'4") the junior fits me much better than a full size rifle.
- because many use wood stocks, they have less adjustments than the full size rifle.  But the same can be said of wood vs aluminum stocked full size rifles.

Get a back belt from Home Depot (or similar store).  This will help to protect your lower back as you hold that heavy rifle.  The belt is NOT competition legal, but for casual use at home...who cares.  The back belt is a heck of a lot cheaper than a shooting jacket...especially if your waist is expanding  :-(  since the jacket is NOT adjustable for that.

Offline kirby999

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Problem solved
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2009, 08:36:39 AM »
I've decided to get an AA S200 and find a set of aperture sights to fit it . I know the Daisy rear will work , but I'll need to find a way of putting the front sight on without going into too much expense . Yea , I know there's better sights available , but they're out of budget. From what I understand the S200 should be easy to turn the power down on for some indoor shooting . And I already have everything to fill one. kirby
\" Shooting PCP\'s; I sometimes miss that  unmistakable smell of a springer . \"

Offline DanoInTx

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Get the S200T
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2009, 10:44:00 AM »
The S200T has a sight set from what I understand as well as an accessory rail and adjustable stock.  Now I don't know about those stocks as far as fit goes, I have the one piece sporter version and don't like the stock at all......I've already put in an order with Steve C. for a custom stock with adjustable comb, forend riser and adjustable butt.....I know his stock will fit:)  I think these guns were marketted more for younger shooters of smaller stature.  The "T" or Target version of the S200 is already a 6fpe gun, the sporter is 12fpe, but both can be tweaked up or down a bit as DaveD has said in the past.  I really like my S200, but I still need to tweak it a little more.  The trigger from the box was a bit of a dissappointment, but once adjusted correctly it's somewhere between good and great, not quite excellent though...., but I'm picky as heck.  For stricked 10M shooting I liked my Tau-200 Senior a bit better, but alot of that was because it fit me REALLY well, the downside was CO2 and associated issues with that I have here in an unheated/uncooled shootin' area.  I've never owned a "REAL" high end 10M gun, so I can't comment on the ones whose names I can't pronounce while sober:)


Current shooters: Beeman HW97K .177 with Hawke Eclipse 4x16x50SFAO and Steve C. stock, Beeman R9 .177 with Hawke Airmax 4-12x40AO and Gene\'s Midas touch, Air Arms S200 with Bushnell Banner 6x24x40AO Rowan brass bling and Steve C. custom stock, BAM B25, BAM B40 .177 with BSA 3x12x44AO, Benjamin Marauder .22, Benjamin 397 pumper.

\"repeat this mantra:
Air gunzzzzzz, air gunzzzzzz, air gunzzzzzzz!!!  ...You will feel better\" T.E.C.2008

Offline daved

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RE: Problem solved
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2009, 11:30:11 AM »
Hey, David, give TGAG (Top Gun Airguns) a call.  The original owner of my S200 got them to put him together a hybrid, a sporter action in a target stock.  Comes preset at around 12 fpe instead of 6, but with the adjustability of the target model.  I believe the target model comes standard with the Daisy Avanti diopter sight set, but if you go for the hybrid, that might cost some extra.  I've used the Avanti set before, not bad, although I think mine had a gear issue.  BTW, I know the target action is power adjustable, but I think I've heard they use a different hammer spring, so max power is still lower than the sporter action.  Not sure how low mine will go, I should probably try and find out.  Later.


Offline kirby999

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Now I'm confused
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2009, 11:43:15 AM »
I thought I had read that the new one piece stock had a 14.5" LOP . And that the target stock was made for a young shooter and would probably be too short for me . Also I would like to be able to use it at 12fpe also , because I know I'll be getting tired of it with the iron sights for a while and will want to scope it for outside shooting . I wanted to be able to switch back and forth , that's what attracted me to this model. Anybody know the particulars of each model? kirby
\" Shooting PCP\'s; I sometimes miss that  unmistakable smell of a springer . \"

Offline kirby999

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RE: Now I'm confused
« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2009, 11:54:02 AM »
OK , now I just read an old post that stated the LOP on a S200 ( the old 2 piece stock) was 13.76" My Daisy 953 with one butt spacer is right at 13" and I can shoot it without any problem , so if the one piece is 14 or 14.5" I'm sure it'll be OK. Dan would you measure your s200 and let me know what LOP the stock is ? thanks kirby
\" Shooting PCP\'s; I sometimes miss that  unmistakable smell of a springer . \"

Offline daved

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RE: Now I'm confused
« Reply #14 on: January 31, 2009, 01:20:52 PM »
Just measured my target stock, with no spacers LOP is 13", with the spacers I got with it it's at 13.5".  I intend to make at least a couple more 1/2" spacers just to see what feels best.  BTW, the target stock also has a very nice adjustable butt plate, first time I've had one, now I need to get one for my Cyclone.  Later.
