Author Topic: I just hope  (Read 1730 times)

Offline HNT5

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I just hope
« on: February 05, 2009, 03:44:42 PM »
This isn't the beginning of  bad things to come.
The Pres has said he wants to close Gitmo within a year. So where do all the detainees (suspected terrorists) go? Back home, to Yemen, Somalia or Afhganistan? Do they continue to plot, re-organize, rearm and raise more funding and continue training for another future attack against us? Mr Panetta, who the Pres nominated as the CIA director (who was Clinton's Chief of Staff, has absolutely NO, NONE ZERO  intelligence experience, but he knows Washington and that makes him qualified) said" that President Obama forbids what Panetta called "that kind of extraordinary rendition -- when we send someone for the purpose of torture or actions by another country that violate our human values."
Heaven help the new Pres if something bad happens, and the purportrators are Gitmo detainees he released.  
Wow. I just don't know


Offline Big_Bill

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RE: I just hope
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2009, 02:30:47 PM »

Hay Nathan,

All that I can say is WELCOME TO THE OBAMA NATION !

He has NO experience, NO understanding of the enemies at hand, NO understanding of economics, only silly ideas of what hemight accomplish if his good fairy godmother really had magical powers. Did I say we have trouble here in River City :(

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