Author Topic: guys are entertaining....  (Read 2472 times)

Offline whipperwilly

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« on: January 25, 2009, 03:50:09 AM »
Read your threads - GUN CONTROL POLITICS......
I'm sitting up here in Canada having a good guys are very entertaining.....
AND....Yeah....its a big issue up here too ! Start a conversation and it goes on for hours...

We just went through a period of Long Gun registration....after they spent BILLIONS on the program, we finally convinced them that the crooks, the murderers, the gangs, those in drugs...etc..etc. were NOT going to obey any laws, including getting a gun license or registering their guns, so all the laws were doing is imposing and stressing out the legimate law obeying gun owners like us farmers. About all our system did is to prevent mental and suicidal cases from getting guns....nothing else was ever achieved.  The Billions could have been spent building more prisons and upgrading the justice system....something we do need.

Today we still have to take a safety course on gun handling to get to apply for a gun license, get investigated by the police (history of crime or mental illness) before getting a big deal....after that its no problem....

This has all played out up here, and today we still have the murders by gangs and particularly those in the drug trade....
The guns ?  They are SMUGGLED in from the USA....they just caught a guy last week at the border, had 41 automatic pitsols hidden in the vehicle side door panels.....and NO license either.

Offline Big_Bill

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RE: guys are entertaining....
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2009, 04:56:51 AM »

Yes Daryl,

Like you, I feel that talking will not correct the problems at hand. It has always been my contention that criminals are criminals because they do not obey the law, the reason for all this supposed legislation in the first place. These criminals will have and get firearms no matter what laws are made, just as they continue to find a way to get the drugs the sell !

It seems to me that the Legislators are either stupid or clever, making laws that locate owners and their firearms, so that they can easily collect them from the honest citizens that register them, just as been done in Germany and the Communist regimes around the world.

They, and everyone knows that laws only can be used to punish criminal behavior, and not to stop it. Just how many failures does it take, and how many millions have to be spent, for them to understand that the war on drugs is not working. Maybe if they require drug dealers to register themselves, and make them pay an import tax on their illegal drugs ? Maybe that will work ???

No, I believe that these people just want our guns, to prevent us from protecting ourselves, and preventing us from getting to upset when they really begin to usurp our rights.

Remember ! GOD Guns and Guts, Made America Free !! Not Lawyers :(

It can work for Canada and Australia also ! Stand Tall, and Dare to be Counted ! or surrender your guns with a whimper.

When Life is so Dear, that Liberty is relinquished for "Safety", No Man is Really Safe. I'll relinquish my Rights when they take my Gun, from my Cold, Dead Hands ! FREEDOM IS IMPERATIVE !!!!! SAFETY IS ONLY A DREAM.


Life Member of The United States of America
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Always Use A Spring Compressor ! and Buy the GREAT GRT-III & CBR Triggers, cause they are GRRRREAT !

Offline whipperwilly

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RE: guys are entertaining....
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2009, 06:58:19 AM »
Hi Bill:
           Well....up here it started out sounding good......back in the early 1980's they re-did our criminal law.....25 years for murder - no if's or but's about it - automatic 25 years.....and if you used a gun in any crime it was an automatic 10 years added to whatever sentence you received for that crime.....sounded good.  BUT...the members of Parliament up here are mostly....LAWYERS that got rich enough to run for office. We should have known that lawyers would not write legislation that would put fellow lawyers out of business.....the new laws were FULL of loopholes that their fellow lawyers found and exploited....hence WATERED-DOWN !  Today the people are getting FED UP with the lenient sentences now being handed out....its disgusting !
           They should DEAL with the criminals....and leave the rest of us ALONE ! Do whats RIGHT.

           I've come to the conclusion that politicians are BORED.....must be....seems if they don't bother the people then they have nothing to do, hence their goofy logic and actions.

          Ahhhh....its 20 below up here with 3 feet of snow on the ground....guess I'm just bored....worse yet...there is a magpie outside the window....if only I had my gun and could go out to shoot....if only....anyway, I had fun reading the forums...something to do.

Offline Big_Bill

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RE: guys are entertaining....
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2009, 07:26:23 AM »

Hey Daryl,

Just think for a minute, if they did pass laws that rid society of criminals, then what would they do ???

What excuses could the have to remove firearms from Good and Honest citizens !!!

Why would we realy need them, not that we do now !

These politicians represent themselves, and their financial futures, not "The People"...

Life Member of The United States of America
Life Member of the National Rifle Association
Member Air Guns Addicted Anonymous
Always Use A Spring Compressor ! and Buy the GREAT GRT-III & CBR Triggers, cause they are GRRRREAT !

Offline whipperwilly

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RE: guys are entertaining....
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2009, 02:03:47 PM » are right Big Bill.....

Guess I should be happy.....they haven't bothered me my age I probably won't be around long enough for them too...