Just for reference here's a thumbnail of one of the Safari targets ... the Marauding Mouse, a vicious creature that needs exterminating ! This is the "double" style ... also available in "single", "quad" and "9-bull" formats, sized accordingly on 8-1/2 x 11" card stock. This particular target I shot yesterday trying out an idea to allow me shoot standing by leaning my butt against a saw-horse - lol. Othe pics are of the "Deadly Dragon", the "Crazy Coon", "BooBoo the Bear", etc, etc.
Scoring, by the way is ... Centre Bull - 10 ... White Ring = 7 ... Outer Black Ring - 4 .... Body of animal/bird - 1 A miss counts as Minus-1 except on the "Dragon" target where a "miss" that hits "Coach Knight" counts Minus-10 - lol. In the Smallbore Safari matches we also used "Low-Edge" scoring which really sorts out the "Men from the Boys" !