Author Topic: Oh, Mi-ick  (Read 3865 times)

Offline riflejunkie

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Oh, Mi-ick
« on: February 19, 2009, 03:57:59 PM »
Tell us a bed time story about the BSA Martini.  
This video is really pretty remarkable.  You can't maintain such a consistant position with any other rifle that I know of.  Well maybe you can, but it takes more work to develop the skill.  Staying in position like that means your position doesn't degrade so fast or easily.  That video makes me want a Mk3.  Like I need another rifle to collect dust.
Daisy 853 with apertures; FWB 300S with apertures; Mike Melick tuned B-26 and B-40.
Dog - George, RIP

Offline TCups

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RE: Oh, Mi-ick
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2009, 04:15:30 PM »
How many shots was that -- I forgot to count.  And is that a 1-minute rapid fire match?  Mick is an absolute shooting tool.

Offline riflejunkie

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RE: Oh, Mi-ick
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2009, 04:35:25 PM »
That wasn't Mick, but I'm sure he spent many an hour with a BSA back in the day.  That was just a demonstation of what a marinin is capable of.  The loading is so effortless and requires almost nothing from the shooter.  I can never tell the difference between one rifle and another on lock time.  If I could rob a convenience store, maybe.............
Daisy 853 with apertures; FWB 300S with apertures; Mike Melick tuned B-26 and B-40.
Dog - George, RIP

Offline Mick

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RE: Oh, Mi-ick
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2009, 10:27:45 PM »
OK Kiddies .... get your warm flannel nighties on and snuggle down in yo'  li'l  truckle beddies ... then Grandpa will tell you a tale about the Good Fairy of Bisley.

Once upon a time, in a land far away, there was a small village where lived a fair-haired young boy.   Back in the mid-30's the boy had learned to shoot air rifles, starting with his trusty Haenel break-barrel ... in fact he was fast becoming noted for his success in the weekly matches held in the back yard of the Nags' Head pub.  Mentored by "Grandpa" Joe Norris, the head gamekeeper for the old Duke of Bedford, himself an umpteen times World Champion clay pigeon shooter, the lad was developing a good feel for a trigger.  His father had promised him one of the top BSA underlever models for his 10th birthday if he won the junior inter-pub league that year.

And so it came to pass !    Then one day, a travelling fair - Carnival to all you Colonials - came to the village and set up in Bell Close.  There were Merry-Go-Rounds, and Swings, Coconut Shies and all sorts of stands where one could attempt to drop rings over bottle necks to win a tawdry prize, or roll pennies down a chute to land on a numbererd square.  Oh Bliss ... there was even a stand where one could shoot an air-rifle at metal ducks "swimming" across a backstop.   But ... best of all ... for adults only, there was another stand where one could shoot real rifles !   With "Grandpa" Joe in close attendance, vouching for his skils, the lad was allowed to handle and actually shoot his first real rifle ... as I recall it was a BSA 12 Martini, the foreruner of those to come later l.   Among the other rifles the lad tried during that week was a Winchester Gallery pump model.

A couple or three years later, when the lad became an Aircraft Apprentice at the RAF #1 S of TT, he found himself again handling and shooting the good old BSA Model12/15 and Model15 Martini's in serious competition.   When WW2 ended, and rifles again became available for private ownership, his first one was one of the "new" BSA Mk2 Martini's.   Later, in the early '50's, after being invalided out of the RAF, he emigrated to Canada ... his old BSA being confiscated by the British Police before leaving ... where he acquired another Mk2 BSA, which was to be his last.  In a fit of weakness, and under some outside pressure, he agreed to give up his Martini in exchange for one of the new Walther KKM models to prepare for the 1956 Olympics in Melbourne.

Now close yo' eyes and maybe the Good Fairy of Bisley will leave a BSA Ultra under yo' pillow while you sleep !


Offline Mick

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RE: Oh, Mi-ick
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2009, 10:35:17 PM »
As a postscript to the video clip of the old boy shooting the BSA in rapid fire mode, many years ago in the British Army rapid fire competition, a Sgt Snoxwll I believe, fired something like 30 rounds of .303 from his standard Lee-Enfield military rifle in a minute.   Two or three years ago, to satisfy some queries on the "Rimfire Shooting Forum" I tried to do the same using one of my CZ.452 rimfire rifles ... as I recall I got off about 20-odd rounds.   The stipulation in each case was that each shot had to be in a scoring position on a target ... mine was at 50 yards ... I believe the Army test was at 200 yards.


Offline riflejunkie

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RE: Oh, Mi-ick
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2009, 11:39:15 PM »
So, do you think you did as well with the Walther as you would have with the Martini?  Do you remember an American named Art Jackson from the Melbourne Olympics?
Daisy 853 with apertures; FWB 300S with apertures; Mike Melick tuned B-26 and B-40.
Dog - George, RIP

Offline Mick

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RE: Oh, Mi-ick
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2009, 12:52:48 AM »
Nope ... and that I think was the reason why I finished up as an "Alternate" and DIDN'T go to Melbourne ... our Canadian Prone Smallbore shooter, the late Gerry Ouilette won the Gold.   I i stayed in Canada - lol !     It took me a while to get used to the extra "overhanging front end length" of the bolt action Walther after a lifetime of Martini Beesas.   The annoying thing was that I had won the Indoor 3-P Champs the previous Winter - Sigh !   And Yes - I remember Art Jackson ... but not from the Melbourne Games.   Seems to me that I heard somewhere in the last year or so that he was still alive and kicking also.


Offline riflejunkie

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RE: Oh, Mi-ick
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2009, 01:53:13 AM »
You know, I was shooting very well with my Russian CM-2 ($401.64 including the sights!) and I kept getting goaded into getting an Anschutz and when I did disaster struck and last year was a wash because of it.  At first I went to a 14 lb 1411 single extractor and couldn't handle the weight as well as giving very inconsistent scores so in the middle of the Alabama State Champ I switched  back to the CM-2 and regained some self confidence.  Again I was nudged in the Anschutz direction and got a new in box 1907 and again the initial result was a drop in scores.  I was quite used to the 20 oz trigger and felt certain that it was not penalizing me.  Changing rifles will in my opinion result in an initial drop in scores, at least that's my experience.  To date I have not exceeded my performance with the cheap Russian gun using the fancier German.  We have a saying, "Dance with who ya brung." and I should have paid attention to it.  If I don't scare the hell out of master scores this year I'm going back to the Russian and installing an adjustable cheek piece and aluminum buttplate.  I love my Annie but the homely Russian has character.  I'm sorry you got rooked into switching.
Jackson was recently inducted into the US shooting hall of fame here in Atlanta.  Well, 10 years ago is recent isn't it?
Daisy 853 with apertures; FWB 300S with apertures; Mike Melick tuned B-26 and B-40.
Dog - George, RIP

Offline Mick

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RE: Oh, Mi-ick
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2009, 07:42:37 AM »
Heck my age I blink ... and I miss a whole year !   At least it seems that way at times ... a definite tendency to miss whole days.   As for the brand and or model of rifle in use ... I have come to the conclusion that in many ways its' just a "snob" thing any more.   I had found, after I passed retirement age, and was still in excellent physical condition, that it didn't seem to matter whether I used my Anschutz 1913, my 1907, my self-customised H&R(CMP surplus), or any of my better CZ.452's, that the overall match scores all fell into the same bracket.    If the rifle has a good barrel, the sights and trigger are in good shape, and the nut behind the buttplate does not go off at a tangent, then any rifle can be a winner !      I was still winning local matches with my CZ American and Silhouette fitted with Anschutz sights over a mixed bag of Walthers, Anschutz, BSA's,  Remingtons and Winchesters in the hands of club members and local visitors.    Then after I had my quad bypass heart surgery the heavy match rifles were "vetoed" so I sold them all off and switched entirely to the CZ's.

In more recent years as I passed the 70 milestone,  my overall physical condition deteriorated gradually, and I have now eliminated all my CZ's bar one - my elderly, much whittled and glued on  Lux - from the safe.   It can still outperform me in every way - lol !

By the way, when I got up at 3:30 this morning, there was a fresh CZ/Slavia 631 advertised on the AoA site that wasn't there when I went to bed last night !   I E-mailed them immediately, as I am "without springer" at the moment ... Made a follow-up phone call a while ago to verfy availability .... Yuck ! ... Already sold to someone else and headed for the Shipping Dept - Sigh.   I made several trips a year or three back down to your neighbour in Tucker, but every time I went they had sold out, and now he's quit importing them .   May have to look for some misguided soul to part with a Watts-tuned  R.7, in absolutely immaculate condition, with custom burl Walnut stock,  for under a $100 - lol.


Offline kirby999

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RE: Oh, Mi-ick
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2009, 08:49:16 AM »
Mick, my friend I highly recommend the R7 .. I don't think I could shoot an Anschutz or FWB any better than I do the R7 at a 10 meter target . Yes the stock could be better, as could maybe a little more weight , especially up front . But these little rifles will flat shoot. I've owned a Walther mini and didn't shoot it any better . The best of luck in your search for one . You may have to increase your offer in price and maybe lower your expectations of wood preference in order grab up one of these jewels. LOL Don't discount buying one from Canada . The HW30S have the same trigger and action and cost less than what's available here .I'm waiting on an All Weather version from them. It 's takes a while to get them here . It's been more than 2 weeks since I ordered , but it should be here one day next week, I hope !! This is my first time ordering from them . I'll let you know how it goes . This is where I ordered mine kirby
\" Shooting PCP\'s; I sometimes miss that  unmistakable smell of a springer . \"