I'm certainly no expert but this is what I do when it's time to mount up a scope: Clean the scope rails, rings and bases with an evaporating degreaser such as isopropol alcohol. Mount the rings or one piece base mounts to the guns scope rail or grooves. Drive the stop pin into the receiver hole on the rail. Tap it down or screw it down until it bottoms out.Remove the top of the rings and lay the scope in the ring channel.The elevation knob on the scope should be on the "top" and the windage knob should be on the "right". Adjust the scope for eye relief and semi-tighten the top ring saddles. Place a bubble level somewhere on the gun such as the barrel or receiver to insure the gun is level and not canted.Now place a bubble level on the elevation knob of the scope and level the scope equal with the now level gun. Once the scope is level, level, level, tighten down the ring screws in a progressive cross pattern. If the scope is optically centered and if you are using an adjustable mount, shoot 3 times at a 20 yd target and note where on the paper the pellets land.Follow the instructions on adjusting the mount to bring POI to POA.Final sight in when trued up. If using non adjustable mounts or rings, use the scope's elevation and windage adjustment knobs to bring POI to POA. When satisfied that scope and mounts are sighted in, I remove one screw at a time from the rings and apply thread locker like Blue Lock tite and re-tighten the screws.Let cure for a day and go shoot something.