Author Topic: Cheap "big" scope..recoiless gun  (Read 2686 times)

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Cheap "big" scope..recoiless gun
« on: January 18, 2007, 12:30:40 PM »
thought I'd take a chance on an inexpensive big scope.  "Big" both in length, but also a 30mm main tube.  Wanted this for a QB that has reached it's end-stage.

Not too many fans of fixed power besides me, so that will be a turn off to many....I happen to like a simple fixed power, but wanted somthing in the medium power range.

Price breakdown:
Target Sports 10X 42MM AO (30mm tube) "tactical" scope...CDNN Sports ..$49.99
Target Sports Standard 30mm Weaver type rings...CDNN Sports ...$4.99
Tasco Adaptor bases (adapts 3/8" dovetail rails to Weaver (centerfire type) rings)...$10.99  (Cabalas)

total: $65.97 (plus shipping...and you might find 30mm/dovetail rings chaper than the $15 spend on rings and adators...but I already had the adaptor bases). The adaptor base and standard height rings come out just about right for mounting the scope on a QB (or anything else where the barrel is about level with the reciever).

It somes with a set of free 30mm Weaver "tactical" rings...which look big, blocky, and brute strong...and if you want your scope jacked up higher, they will work, but for me that way up in the air moutning just keeps your face from the suport of the stock.

30mm tubed scopes look big, and they are.  Adjusts to your eye easily, focus is sharp, picture flat and not distored at the edges (looking at a picket fence or birck wall is a simple way to rough test...noticing if the vertical lines at the edges seem bowed or curved). Pleased with the optics.

This one has the military type in the middle, three thicker post coming up from the bottom and two sides (but not meeting). Mounted turrets adjust easily with good crisp "clicks"...AO goes down to 25feet ( a little closer than 10meters).  Tried it on a single stroke pneumatic match rifle....sighted in easy, adjustments recentered after "boxing" the scope (shoot a group...add 20 clicks of elevation and shoot another group...add 20 clicks windage...etc. until you've made a square.  If the adjusments are right, will be a square and not a rectangle plus you'll end up right back in the middle of that first group).

Transfered the scope to the QB match it zeroed without a problem.  Tried the "box"..still a square, but not a level I'd mouted the scope a bit off from true level.  Bubble level the gun...clamp it level in a soft vice .. mount scope with rings loose...bubble level the scope...tighten rings.

It's new, and not fully pleased with the quality of the view and the solid feel of the scope (and I've opened the box on scopes that cost 3 and 4X as much and just repacked them to be sent back).

But it does look big...not something I'd want on a light trim rifle.  Isn't going to be pounded by recoil (and a large heavy scope is harder to keep on and keep alive on  a springer than a small lighter weight scope)...and this weeked, will play at range and see what the spacing of those dots works out to.
Lived with it for over a week of shooting, think it's going to stay on top of that QB match.

Haven't had enough  long range time to figure out the dot spacing/elevation; the one trip to an honest 75yard range was spent having fun shooting moving targets rahter than measureing  on paper targets (will get to that eventually).  No scope or mount problems. Have had a a lot of short range time (20-40yards) to grow to like the scope/rifle combo.