Not on the Steroid, I didn't. And, not on the open rifle either...I counted 2 extra points for X's. (I thought that was local rule here.)'re still ahead and the expert!
I'm still trying to FIND my air rifle style. It changes depending on what's working that particular day. In by-gone days, I always tried to hold dead-on, minimize wobble, squeeze trigger, and hope for the best. Lately, I've tried using a slow drop and a slow rise. However, for the most part, you and I have similar styles. Here's my routine for what it's worth:
I shoot about 10 or more off-hand practice shots to warm up both me and rifle. Then I make any minor adjustments on scope for my group. I find my group POI changes a little from week to week.
I take three breaths at port arms, shoulder rifle on fourth breath, let half fifth breath out. Settle from top down on target, hold, and squeeze.
I try to maintain athletic, comfortable stance about 45 deg off target with left elbow tight on body. I rest rifle in open palm and keep my thumb straight down side of rifle instead of wrapped around grip. (It helps prevent any jerked shots.) I also keep my head as high and comfortable as possible with my sporter type stock. And, I just touch that "same, familiar spot" with my cheek.
Now you know, all my "secrets", too. Plus, practice, practice, practice.....