Author Topic: Steroid 15 match#7 Results  (Read 6632 times)

Offline Big_Bill

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Capt.George !
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2009, 06:02:17 PM »

Hey George !

I just noticedthat you beat me this week ! Perhaps you should be giving advice on what you have been doing !!!

Good Shootin !


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Always Use A Spring Compressor ! and Buy the GREAT GRT-III & CBR Triggers, cause they are GRRRREAT !

Offline CaptGeorge

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RE: Capt.George !
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2009, 06:52:01 PM »
Not on the Steroid, I didn't.  And, not on the open rifle either...I counted 2 extra points for X's. (I thought that was local rule here.)'re still ahead and the expert!

I'm still trying to FIND my air rifle style.  It changes depending on what's working that particular day. In by-gone days, I always tried to hold dead-on, minimize wobble, squeeze trigger, and hope for the best. Lately, I've tried using a slow drop and a slow rise. However, for the most part, you and I have similar styles. Here's my routine for what it's worth:

I shoot about 10 or more off-hand practice shots to warm up both me and rifle.  Then I make any minor adjustments on scope for my group. I find my group POI changes a little  from week to week.

I take three breaths at port arms, shoulder rifle on fourth breath, let half fifth breath out. Settle from top down on target, hold, and squeeze.

I try to maintain athletic, comfortable stance about 45 deg off target with left elbow tight on body. I rest rifle in open palm and keep my thumb straight down side of rifle instead of wrapped around grip. (It helps prevent any jerked shots.) I also keep my head as high and comfortable as possible with my sporter type stock.  And, I just touch that "same, familiar spot" with my cheek.

Now you know, all my "secrets", too. Plus, practice, practice, practice.....


Offline Big_Bill

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RE: Capt.George !
« Reply #17 on: March 26, 2009, 04:16:32 AM »

Hey George,

Great minds think alike. lol

Try adding a breath or two, and relax between shots. You can never have too much oxygen in your system, it adds stability to your muscles. And resting between allows the oxygen to get into the muscles, and waist to pass out of the muscles. It also helps prevent tunnel vision and blur outs.

I have a bad heart, that doesn't do the job, so I must do everything that I can to "help" maximize !

And who cares, your score was better than mine. Competition is what drives the human male :) Keep up the GOOD WORK !


Life Member of The United States of America
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Always Use A Spring Compressor ! and Buy the GREAT GRT-III & CBR Triggers, cause they are GRRRREAT !

Offline CaptGeorge

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Re: Steroid 15 match#7 Results
« Reply #18 on: March 26, 2009, 06:11:27 AM »
Good point, Bill.  I forgot to mention relaxing & breathing between shots, but yes, I do that, too. Competition - you bet!  I may even buy some H&N match pellets to make up for those TWO points. :0)  It sure sounds like we went to the "same school" for shooting.

Look out on pistols, too.  I captured a "wounded" Crosman 1377 yesterday just so I have something decent to shoot in the pistol matches. I have a little trouble "seeing the sights" with these old eyes, but a little dab of paint and maybe some trigger work - lighter would be nice - and I'll have a shooter.

Offline Truman

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RE: Steroid 15 match#7 Results
« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2009, 08:27:24 AM »
This is what it's all about eh! Sharing our experiences. I'm taking note of what you two are saying and hope I can pull off a blinder this weekend! I was going to say 'Don't hold your breath though!' but that's part of shooting!
cuiusvis hominis est errare, nullius nisi insipientis in errore perseverare.

Offline CaptGeorge

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RE: Steroid 15 match#7 Results
« Reply #20 on: March 26, 2009, 09:18:21 AM »
That's it, Andy.  The main thing is to digest all this information and use it to develop your own personal style.  If something somebody says makes sense and helps you, then include that in your shooting style. For me, it's finding the most comfortable style that fits my mind and body. Then practice, practice, practice. Air rifles - especially springers - are a whole lot different than match .22 rim fire or match 30 ca. So, I'm still learning, too.

Once you have a comfortable, accurate shooting style, you can start working on the little things: slight changes in stance, breath, & trigger control. And, improving your equipment. For instance, you may find that adding a 1/2 inch slip-over recoil pad improves your length of pull and helps you keep rifle fixed on your shoulder. You might consider a new aftermarket trigger or mod. Or, try some higher quality pellets or better sights.  You might even want to try a match grade rifle. There's always room for improvement.

BTW- Congrats on newest moderator. These weekly matches are great.  You can actually measure your improvement over time.  Keep them coming!