Well, I'm short on distance but it felt good to shoot a little tonight and with rain all weekend and 5 kids around, 30y or m isn't going to happen before Monday.
I did NOT remove my bipod. I also did NOT use it :-). Left it folded and placed the rifle on a shooters bag positioned where the bipod mounts to the rifle. VERY odd shooting position, to low to the table. I'll need to find a better way.
TSS, 20yd I know-that 10-11yd difference does matter here. I'll find a way to shot 30.
Scope is a 6-24 Centerpoint with a sunshade (helps with the flouresent glare indoor). I shot at 24x (I like a big view of what I'm putting holes in)
Pellets = Crosman Premier Heavy, pretty much the only thing I shoot at this distance.
Score = 146. I think if I had the clean hole of a wadcutter on the top right... I'd have cut into the white and gotten a 147....maybe...

Weapon and rest (same thing I shoot the steroid and open rifle match with, at 10m):

Quick pic of my indoor range (table is set at the opposite end/corner of the house):