Author Topic: Post your 30m (or yard) SteroidPCP here  (Read 4657 times)

Offline Truman

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Post your 30m (or yard) SteroidPCP here
« on: March 26, 2009, 07:44:31 PM »
Just to keep it all together. As this is the first match, don't worry too much if you can't make 30m. Shoot at the range you have, ie 30 yard, 30 meters, 25 meters, 25 yards. This way we can gauge what is the optimum length to include everybody! Main thing is to enjoy ourselves and be safe. Happy shooting all.
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Ronbeaux. SteroidPCP TX200 30yards 135 2X
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2009, 07:49:54 PM »
Ronbeaux. I've copied you to here.

OK guys. When I come back from my cruise I want to see this score smeared by a PCP. I'll admit I took one Mulligan after a WTF shot, holding dead on and steady. Had to be a bad pellet since I didn't weigh or size them like back in the day. I'm actually thinking I might be getting back on track. Again the conditions were darn near perfect. Only change was I added a more 'squishy' pad (folded towel) for the front rest to let my TX do it's thing. I think the sticky leather bag was resistance I didn't need and it was more like holding it over my arm. That's the way I used to practice and it was almost exactly the same POI using the FT position I use.

You can officially say "I'm bragging!"

Score 135(125 if you don't count the Mulligan)
32 power Burris
Front support only
7.9 CP's

Go get em guys!!! Have fun.

The taped portion was cut from another target since my printer spit out a target that had a miniture super imposed target over the larger ones????
cuiusvis hominis est errare, nullius nisi insipientis in errore perseverare.

Offline JQR

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RE: Post your 30m (or yard) SteroidPCP here
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2009, 04:11:17 PM »
Well, I'm short on distance but it felt good to shoot a little tonight and with rain all weekend and 5 kids around, 30y or m isn't going to happen before Monday.

I did NOT remove my bipod. I also did NOT use it :-). Left it folded and placed the rifle on a shooters bag positioned where the bipod mounts to the rifle.  VERY odd shooting position, to low to the table. I'll need to find a better way.

TSS, 20yd   I know-that 10-11yd difference does matter here. I'll find a way to shot 30.
Scope is a 6-24 Centerpoint with a sunshade (helps with the flouresent glare indoor). I shot at 24x (I like a big view of what I'm putting holes in)
Pellets = Crosman Premier Heavy, pretty much the only thing I shoot at this distance.
Score = 146. I think if I had the clean hole of a wadcutter on the top right... I'd have cut into the white and gotten a 147....maybe...


Weapon and rest (same thing I shoot the steroid and open rifle match with, at 10m):

Quick pic of my indoor range (table is set at the opposite end/corner of the house):

Offline TCups

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146 -- 30m (or yard) SteroidPCP here
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2009, 04:35:05 PM »

Offline Truman

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steroidPCP Crosman Disco .22 score 24
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2009, 07:43:24 AM »
Blowing a whoolie of 40mph right to left. Good fun but a bit disapointed. I couldn't see where I was hitting (or missing) the target! Next thing I need to get is a spotting scope! Never mind newt week is just round the corner and I can only get better! (I hope!!)

cuiusvis hominis est errare, nullius nisi insipientis in errore perseverare.

Offline TCups

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RE: Post your 30m (or yard) SteroidPCP here
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2009, 10:49:38 AM »

As I think about it, I can't see why a bipod attached to the gun should be disallowed as a front rest.  Shoot with the bipod if you wish, as long as you are seated and the rifle is shouldered.  I set up at first on my shooting bench with a front rest, and even though I shouldered the rifle, my arm was resting on the bench, so I changed to the tripod front rest without anything for my arm to rest on when I shot.  I also picked up one of the Eagle Eye Scoring Gauges .177/.22 from http://www.champion and it makes scoring holes from domed pellets on printed paper targets much easier on the close ones.  Good shooting.

Offline JQR

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RE: Post your 30m (or yard) SteroidPCP here
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2009, 12:48:43 PM »
TCups - 3/29/2009  6:49 PM


As I think about it, I can't see why a bipod attached to the gun should be disallowed as a front rest.  Shoot with the bipod if you wish, as long as you are seated and the rifle is shouldered.  I set up at first on my shooting bench with a front rest, and even though I shouldered the rifle, my arm was resting on the bench, so I changed to the tripod front rest without anything for my arm to rest on when I shot.  I also picked up one of the Eagle Eye Scoring Gauges .177/.22 from http://www.champion and it makes scoring holes from domed pellets on printed paper targets much easier on the close ones.  Good shooting.

Thanks for thinking of me :-)...
For what it worth, shooting off a bipod like mine with a one piece frame/barrel mount is an artform. Any other Airforce rifle shooters out there may be able to back me up. Any pressure on the frame that you didn't sight in for... moves the POI. forward/rearward pressure on the bipod legs is no exception since it's frame mounted. I picked up a cheap camera tripod, added a piece of steel to widen the mount and will be cutting a piece of 'memory' foam  to rest the foreend of the rifle on. I'll try it both ways, but I'm betting the tripod out performs the bipod. Not a bad thing! Might be the edge I need to put my buddies to shame this summer.

I also think I found 30yrds, if I shoot out a window to the corner of the yard. I just need to build a backstop as the target will be very visible to the neighbors. Also. there are kids around and even though I shoot low power and have a board on board fence I'd like to be able to tell the neighbors I've taken all the right precautions.

Offline gamo2hammerli

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Score: 75, Rested-PCP-Rifle-30M, Match#1
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2009, 01:56:53 PM »

First time practicing at 30 meter distances in over 5 months.....and first time ever in the prone position (No sling). I found out I SUCK big time in prone!!!! Not only that I was shooting into the setting sun....about 2 o"clock position.....half of my scope was glared up. Very warm temperatures.... +13C

After 30 shots to zero the air rifle...I'd hope it was zero due to the crosshairs bobbing over the bullseye.....I shot 2 sheets of the "Steriod 15" targets...a total of 40 shots. I hit 5 targets and clipped 6 of the "7" that time the POI was starting to drop so I called it a my upper back was aching due to arching my back. From 180 BAR to 100 BAR air pressure.....about 1 BAR a shot at the lowest setting of the Air Arms 410SL carbine.

Sunday morning I went and bought a mini camera tripod and screwed in a piece of wood on top of it and used that as a rifle-rest later in the afternoon. What a difference......almost no crosshair bobbing. I had to re-sight again....but only took about 15 shots. Used my backpack to hold up my head next to the gun in the prone position. Just got 50% of 150 points.

Gun: Air Arms 410SL carbine, Scope: Barska 3X15-50mm IR set at 15X, Pellet: .22 Crosman Premier Dome (boxed),

Distance: 30 Meters, Position: Prone and Tripod, Temp: +3C Cloudy No wind, Date: 29/03/2009, SCORE: 75

Gamo: Expotec .177 + Big Cat .177 + Viper .177 + Whisper .177, Hammerli Titan .177, Diana model 24 .177, RWS-Diana P5 Magnum pistol .177, Crosman: G1 Extreme .177 + Storm XT .177 + Sierra Pro .177 + 1377 pistol .177, Air Arms S410SL .22, BSA Scorpion T10 .22, FX Cyclone .177, Remington Air Master 77 .177 + BB\'s,