Author Topic: I Did Some Testing on 0.177 cal Pellets  (Read 5286 times)

Offline Big_Bill

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I Did Some Testing on 0.177 cal Pellets
« on: March 26, 2009, 05:00:38 AM »

Hello Fellow Members (Family).

I orders several tins of Wad Cutter Pellets in 0.177 cal. I needed something to use in shooting the Open Rifle and "STEROID 15" Target Matches :) Because I wanted to WIN, and also, I was paying $8.00 for 250 Crosman (Cheapo WC pellets) at Dicks Sporting Goods, Yea, pretty steep !

These are my findings, after firing this test twice. Is anyone other than me surprised ?


P.S. The Crosman Cheapos' look to be the best in these 5 shot groups, however every 4th. or 5th. pellet falls through the barrel, to the floor. Very inconsistent sizing !

Life Member of The United States of America
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Always Use A Spring Compressor ! and Buy the GREAT GRT-III & CBR Triggers, cause they are GRRRREAT !

Offline douglas george

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Re: I Did Some Testing on 0.177 cal Pellets
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2009, 05:24:05 AM »
I bought 10 plastic boxes of RWS R10 Match Plus wad-cutter pellets from a local gun shop for $6.95 a box.  Each pellet is packed to prevent one pellet from touching another in the package.  I also use the RWS Meisterkugein 177 pellets, and I have been getting them for about $8.95 a tin.  For 10 yards...Diabolo Basic works well...and Sportsman's Warehouse has them for $3.95 a tin.  For pistol shooting the 6.9 gr RWS Super-H-Point works well, and they cost me about $8.95 a tin.  JSB Exacts 8.4 gr are more here in Wichita, about $10.95 a tin from a local air gun dealer.  But at 10 yards...most pellets shoot very well, at least the ones I have tried.  At 25 yards things are different.  At that range you need a good high grade pellet.  I weigh mine on my Lyman power scale.  Real cheap Chinese Beeman coated wad-cutter pellets ($2.95/tin) seem to work well at 10 yards.  The JBS '"rule" at long range.  For Magnum springers the Beeman Kodiaks, and JSB Exact heavy work the best at long range.  At 100 yards, the JSB Exact 8.4 gr, and the Beeman Kodiak work very well, and for some reason RWS Superpoint 14.5 gr 22 pellets work very well in my RWS 460 Magnum!
Douglas George

Offline roix06

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RE: I Did Some Testing on 0.177 cal Pellets
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2009, 07:20:17 AM »

Nope, not surprised at all Bill, with the size issue, not one bit. But as you say they do group/shoot pretty well at close range. I have two Umarex pistols; the Walther CP-99 and the Walther CP-88 [the CP88 is the competition model with better sights and a 6" barrel instead of the 4"). My point is, between the two guns I have 13 - 8-shot rotary clips and I used the Crosman "Competition Premium Grade" (!SO CALLED!) from the local stores, for a long time. These Pellets, which until recently, were the only WC's I could find locally, except for the Daisy Wobble Cutters @ KameApart.

Now my local Big 5 is stocking RWS Diabolo Basics [7.0gr]. They give better accuracy, more consistent size, and for my CO2 pistols 0.9gr less doesn't hurt either. A tin of 500 RWS Basics go for $7.99. Expensive?? Crosman "Premium Grade Competition" are going for $3.99 for a tin of 250, that's $7.98 for 500! I dont have a problem paying 1¢ more for a much better pellet. I hope to see them [Big 5] keep adding new brands and types of pellets to their stock. They have also added the .177 Beeman Coated Hollow Points. I bought some but haven't shot more than 3 or 4 of them, as I had just received a shipment of .177 CPL's and CPH's, which my Titan likes.

When I am loading my rotary clips, I'll notice quite a difference in the diameter some even fall out the back of the clip. When this happens I have tried the undersized pellet in in another hole and it is loose there also. If I put a different pellet in; it fits snug like the rest. So that is how I have found out the pellets were the problem and not the well machined, aluminum clips. I believe that these loose pellets are responsible for 3 cut and blown out Breech Seals in my GAMO PT-80. I think a loose pellet backed out and as the mag rotated for the next shot it got cut. For replacements I had to order from "across the pond, from TW Chambers Gunmakers.  GAMO, will NOT sell them but, they will sell you a 3 or 4 pack of CO2 Cartridge Tip seals which will leak on you and blow out the 1st time you load a CO2. They are undersized on the O.D. and oversized on the I.D. One of them blew right up around the neck of the cartridge as soon as I tightened it. The brass collar that is supposed to hold down the seal has an inside diameter of 3/8ths of an inch and the outside diameter of the repacement seal is also 3/8ths. Quite a feat of engineering, huh? BTW, Chambers carries the same seal. So I have one PT-80 that works great and another collecting dust until I find some suitable material that I can punch a seal out of. When I do; I'll just make a pile of them and hand them out to whomever here needs one. I'll even supply the envelope and stamp.

HEY GAMO!!!! Are you reading this my Email is.... OH Yeah!! You already have quite a few of my Emails-----FIGURE it out.

The "Cheapo" CWC pellets also load very easily into my Hammerli Titan; ANY other pellet I have to seat it by rolling the back of my thumbnail over the skirt. Thanks to whoever mentioned that thumbnail trick. I was tired of having to carry around some sort of tool to seat my pellets (like the side of a Sharpie cap, my Zippo lid, et al.) and I did NOT want to try and make the chamber area a little larger. The Titan just shoots too good to mess with something that can't be undone!

Have a Great Day at a Great Place To Be!

Roy Cross
 N. CA [The State soon to raise sales tax in our county and from 7.25% to 9%] Too Bad Arnold doesn't live in N. CA., where the Capitol City is. (.9.0% Statewide).  Please excuse my small political rant/signature. LOL

Offline douglas george

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Re: I Did Some Testing on 0.177 cal Pellets
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2009, 10:10:59 AM »
If you want a really great pellet...get some JSB Exact 8.4 gr pellets.  They are very good, but also expensive 10.95 a tin in 177.  I think you can get them from Air Guns of Arizona...Look them up on the web.  These JSB Exacts shoot ragged one hole groups in My RWS guns at 10 yards, and often at 25 yards!  For a Magnum gun the Beeman Kodiak is real good.  RWS pellets like the Superdome, or Superpoint, or the Match pellets will fit tighter in your mag's.  Beeman also sells a coated wad cutter real cheap...made in China, around $2.95-$3.95 a tin.
Douglas George

Offline roix06

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Re: I Did Some Testing on 0.177 cal Pellets
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2009, 09:59:46 AM »
You're right on the money George.  The JSB Exact 8.44 gr (8.44gr are what Mac1 called them when I ordered 'em) are very good pellets.  They have a slight edge on the CPL's in my Titan, almost 1/8th in. smaller groups in the Titan.  The RWS Superdomes 8.3gr, (also recommended by Mac1, when I asked about finding the best pellet for my Titan) however grouped at about 4 inches, figure that out, lol.  I can't remember what I paid for them offhand, but I am pretty sure they were less than $10 bucks an tin.  I like to buy from Mac1 because he is in California as well and the shipping is only $5.00 Priority Mail.  He can send me 4 tins or boxes of  CPL's for that price.  Thanks for your input; although I feel like I hi-jacked this thread, I hope Bill doesn't mind.
