Author Topic: SteroidPCP#1 Results  (Read 2777 times)

Offline Truman

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SteroidPCP#1 Results
« on: March 30, 2009, 02:38:23 AM »
Five PCP shooters! Is that the best we can do? Come on you guys and girls, get your PCP's out and come and shoot the SteriodPCP match! Open now until Sunday Midnight! These are the scores for this weeks match! Blinding shooting from Tommy (TCups) to win by a clean bull! Well done also to Jeff (JQR) for a fine performance!
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Offline gamo2hammerli

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Re: SteroidPCP#1 Results
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2009, 03:32:37 AM » least someone with an AA got top scores!!!!!  I'm a bad representative of the Air Arms company  heh heh.  Truman, looks like you and me have to step in up....bring our scores into the 100's to at least look decent.
Gamo: Expotec .177 + Big Cat .177 + Viper .177 + Whisper .177, Hammerli Titan .177, Diana model 24 .177, RWS-Diana P5 Magnum pistol .177, Crosman: G1 Extreme .177 + Storm XT .177 + Sierra Pro .177 + 1377 pistol .177, Air Arms S410SL .22, BSA Scorpion T10 .22, FX Cyclone .177, Remington Air Master 77 .177 + BB\'s,

Offline Truman

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Re: SteroidPCP#1 Results
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2009, 03:49:09 AM »
I'm with you there Stan! If I can just work out how to fire an air rifle I'd be laughing! I think I need to stop and look at my whole approach! Slow down a bit and prey to the Gods of Zen that maybe one day it will click into place! I do all the breathing stuff, the finding my natural POA, trigger squeezing, but trying to get it all working at the same time will take practice and patients!
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Offline JQR

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Re: SteroidPCP#1 Results
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2009, 04:50:32 AM »
Lets be fair. I lost by way more than a clean bull :-)
I was only at 20y for lack of an outdoor spot. I can sneak a shooting session in my back yard but not when all the kids are around. 5 at my house every other weekend!!! But there are 23 kids 16 and under on my street. When the school buses come through in the morning, they come in pairs because we fill them up so fast.

I do have question on the rules that may affect my perceived score too. When I read this " The rifle must be shouldered. In other words, without a rear support like another bag." My natural reaction was to shoot as if i would off the bipod. No bag, vice, stand etc BUT I did have my elbow on the table. Between that and the shorter distance I think I may be skewing the results above.

Are elbows on shooting table good or bad???? (sorry if i missed that in a discussion elsewhere).

Just went back through the threads... looks like elbow on table was a no-go. Sorry. I'll do it right this week

Offline gamo2hammerli

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Re: SteroidPCP#1 Results
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2009, 05:07:27 AM »
I'm in the prone both my elbows have to be on the ground....and I just use a tripod in front. I think prone is even harder than sitting because I've to arch my back up to line up the scope/sights with he eye.....and that causes muscle fatique which causes the "shakes". If I had a place for sitting and a tripod....I'd use it....but "no go" for the near future.
Gamo: Expotec .177 + Big Cat .177 + Viper .177 + Whisper .177, Hammerli Titan .177, Diana model 24 .177, RWS-Diana P5 Magnum pistol .177, Crosman: G1 Extreme .177 + Storm XT .177 + Sierra Pro .177 + 1377 pistol .177, Air Arms S410SL .22, BSA Scorpion T10 .22, FX Cyclone .177, Remington Air Master 77 .177 + BB\'s,

Offline Truman

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Re: SteroidPCP#1 Results
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2009, 06:35:00 AM »
We need to do a bit of standardization! I'll start a new thread with a few questions! Add to it if you feel the need!
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