Author Topic: Rule for a 10 to be an "X"  (Read 3104 times)

Offline Big_Bill

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Rule for a 10 to be an "X"
« on: May 14, 2009, 11:58:05 AM »

This is from riflejunkie, Charlotte :

"In order for you to get an X the hole must be completely inside the 10 ring and not touching the line."

I have received questions about this for sometime, and for any "10" to be an "X" it must be totally inside the 10 ring, or not touching the 10 ring at any point. If it were ease, it would be shopping :-)

You shooters are getting so good, I know that we will need to find more challenging targets for you to shoot, now that's GOOD !!!!!!

Keep working at it, I know that I try very hard also !


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