Author Topic: gas gun questions............  (Read 2954 times)

Offline triry

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gas gun questions............
« on: November 04, 2009, 05:42:03 AM »
1. who makes or sells a muzzle brake for the qb78d ? im not looking to "catch dust" , but just add a bit of weight to the muzzle. steve at archer said his muzzle brake will NOT fit the deluxe models..............

2. in ya'lls opinion, who makes the best "bang for the buck" steel breech for a crosman 2250 ? heathers 2250 has the plastic breech, makes it hard to get good eye relief using intermounts for her scope.
same question, but for the 1377 as well....................

3. anyone had any experience using an extended gas tube ( ala mac-1 ) for their qb ? looking for more shots between fills and im thinking this would fit the bill.

thaks ya'll.

Offline triry

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Re: gas gun questions............
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2009, 09:36:01 AM »
bump..........just checkin if ya'll have any ideas for me.......

Offline SDale

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Re: gas gun questions............
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2009, 02:07:54 PM »
Not sure who would make a decent Muzzle Weight for the QB, but I believe the barrel diameter is 5/8". If it is, then an RWS or Beeman steel brake would fit just fine.

As far as crosman steel breaches go, I've tried the Crosman version, RJ Machine and Crooked Barn. The RJ Machine long breach is slightly longer than either of the other 2. It gives you a bit more flexibility mounting scopes. It also comes with a new probed bolt and oversized stainless steel handle. BUT, it's also slightly prone to jamming. Pellets like to catch on the countersunk screw hole in the breach. But that's an easy work around. They're also only left or right handed.

The Crooked Barn breach costs $20 less ($40) than the RJ, only slightly shorter but is ambedextrous. It's slotted so you can change bolt handle position any time you want. It's also raw aluminum. Not annodized like the RJ.  

I've had some trouble fitting some types of mounts to the Crosman steel breach. The grooves aren't very deep.

Out of the 3, I'd choose the CB Ultimate Breach for value.

Couldn't tell you anything about the extension tubes though. Haven't had the need to try one. I run a QB79 and get plenty of shots per air source bottle.

Offline ribbonstone

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Re: gas gun questions............
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2009, 02:49:52 PM »
#1.  The QB 78D, 2078, and 79 all use the "fat" barrel...which by chance is the same as many RWS's.

#2.  Got to agree about the RJ breech being  a good one.  For the $, it's really hard to beat the basic Crosman long steel breech.  Do use a Crooked barn breech (old one...not double slotted) and it's a  very good light weight unit, but doesn't have the length to offer a lot of scope mounting flexibility.

Will look...might have a picture of all 3 (crosman Steel, RJ, and a CB breech) on 3 different guns...would give you an idea of length.

OK...found one:

(click to enlarge)

Left to right:
Older CB breech.
Crosman long steel.
RJ riser
Crosman long steel

Really wanted that scope on the CB breech, but had to chop up a one piece mount to make it happen.

#3.  Extension gas tubes do offer more volume.  Haven't found a personal need to use one.