Author Topic: 10-Meter / 10-Shot Single Pump Pistol Match Basic Rules  (Read 4122 times)

Offline TCups

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10-Meter / 10-Shot Single Pump Pistol Match Basic Rules
« on: February 18, 2009, 03:45:33 PM »
OK, GTA pistoleros:  

Along with all the other target shooting activities, we might as well shoot our target pistols some too.  But let's make this easy on ourselves and keep it simple.  I suggest:

A standing weekly 10-Meter, 10 shot match (best possible score = 100).

Cutting a ring scores the higher score;  the two inner rings score 10 points.  

Shoot as many targets each week as you wish, but post only your single best score, and only one entry per weekly match.  

Only single pump pneumatic .177 cal pistols may be used.

Only the standing position w/ any grip (1 or 2 handed), any sight (open or scoped), no rest or other support used when shooting.  

The target will be an ISSF-approved, 10-meter Olympic Pistol Target.  

Each match ends each Sunday at midnight EST, and begins again Each Monday morning at 8 AM.  

Week 1, ends Sunday, Feb 22 at midnight.  

No pictures in the score threads please -- just the score, the pistol used and pellet used under a thread "SPP Pistol Scores, Wk#1, SPP Pistol Scores Wk #2", etc.  

The first person to post a score each week is responsible for starting the "SPP Pistol Score Wk# _" thread.  If no one posts a score, then no match that week.  

Any general discussions, picture posts, questions, etc should be posted separately from the "Score" treads, either as a separate thread on this forum or on in the "Target Shooting General" forum.  

A printable PDF file of the 10-M pistol target is available here:
(If I can figure out how to do it, I will append a downloadable, printable target file to this "sticky"  later.

or you may use any other ISSF-approved 10-M pistol target (Eg. Edelman, etc) if you have em.

Have fun.  Shoot safely!  Repeat the mantra:  Airrrrrrrr Gunzzzzzzzzzzz, etc.
