Author Topic: TELL US WHAT YOU WANT !  (Read 11411 times)

Offline CaptGeorge

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« Reply #15 on: April 14, 2009, 05:53:27 PM »
I agree more shots [practice] builds better muscle memory. I guarantee you that a new shooter will shoot a 10 shot target, then another, and another, etc. and turn in his best score. So what? It's for FUN anyway, right? I'm just trying to offer some suggestions that might appeal to new shooters and get more people interested in our postal matches.

I'm way past my prime for competitive shooting - been there done that. I'm just having fun and hope to pass along some of that fun to new shooters. We have here.  That's why I suggest we keep the matches simple & easy.

Offline CaptGeorge

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« Reply #16 on: April 14, 2009, 05:55:36 PM »
Now there's a match even I can ACE!  LOL!!

Offline Truman

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« Reply #17 on: April 14, 2009, 08:06:26 PM »
'Being at the bottom of the list is just a place, not an indicator of how much fun you had. '

Thank you Ron! May I also add that being at the bottom of the list leaves only one direction to go and that is up! I will one day go up the list! I hope! I've been at the bottom of the 'steroid'15 list for the past 10 matches, and yes, I've had lots of fun, a bit of ribbing, and it's sunny. I will carry on my quest to improve!
 As for number of shots, a '10 shot quickie' could be fun!
cuiusvis hominis est errare, nullius nisi insipientis in errore perseverare.

Offline airgunandy

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« Reply #18 on: April 15, 2009, 02:01:22 AM »
Fewer shots, less time to shoot the match? Works for me. Other things are begging for my time as well these days....

If we cut out all the target gates but Open and Match Rifles and Open and Match Pistols does that mean we would be allowed to shoot pumpers in the Open Rifle Match or would it still be a separate match, but under the Open Rifle gate??

Offline Magnum

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« Reply #19 on: April 15, 2009, 04:08:00 AM »
I'm all for the 10 meters/33feet range ..Because I am in proccess of building one/moving stuff! :), I could also do a 5 meter pistol and just move closer.  I have not shot in a match yet , however I am planning on joining in on all this target fun soon. I like the steroid 15 format so will likely start there.

Offline ac12basis

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« Reply #20 on: April 15, 2009, 06:15:00 AM »
If you are trying to be able to shoot a regulation match, you need to build to 60 match shots + warmup/sighters.
So start at 10 and keep going, until you feel your aim getting too wobbly...THEN STOP.  Do NOT shoot when wobbly, that will cause you to develop bad shooting habbits.
Next time see if you can shoot more before the wobbles get bad.  Over time you will be able to gradually increase the number of shots you can do before you hold goes to pot.

The proposed 2 group format is similar to the old StraightShooters Challenge match of novice and marksman categories.  You shot in whichever category you wanted to based on your skills.  So you could shoot the marksman category with a BB gun if you wanted to.  Or when I was shooting crummy, I would should the novice with my match gun, and be in the middle or bottom of the pack.

I will lobby for the open rifle target to be the Gamo target or the regulation 10m air PISTOL target or something else that is larger than the regulation 10m AR target.  The reason for this is, IMHO the regulation 10m AR target is way too hard for the average shooter to shoot off-hand.  That target is used in national and international competitions.  A larger target is better for the average shooter to get decent scores on.  And if he gets 95-100 all the time, then its time to move up to the next category.

BTW, when I first shot 10m w my match rifle, I would have scored a 0 one the steroid target.  Could not shoot it worth a dang.

And as for reduced range.  Just make a half size target and indicate that you shot it at 5 meters.
I agree, it is a lot easier to find 5 meters to shoot indoors than 10 meters.

Offline Magnum

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« Reply #21 on: August 16, 2009, 02:40:44 PM »
         First thing I would like to say that I am having great deal of fun in these matches and exchanging notes with all:).  I am competing against myself, compairing with others and having fun with those who are doing the same thing. I feel very fortunate to have found this great forum at the GTA.   Like most things, it may be hard to please everyone and to collate all this info is going to be quite a chore I think!  
          For me about 20 shots minimum rifle is fine, I think its enough to get a good reading of how I'm shooting at that particular moment in time, I am happy with the number of shots as they are.  It would take me about the same amount of time to shoot more or less shots once I set up anyway.
          -As far as more people joining in.... I do think that a single gate for each type of match is the way to go, have sticky with a "print target here to play" and maybe the rules.  Target shooting is not everyone's thing...but if it were easy to print a target and give it a shot it may help those on the fence:) Also Not everyone has choice of guns so I think to have some  open matches would work well.
           - I just like to shoot the same targets matches with the same gun each time with the idea being to improve each time.  I prefer a  not so easy medium target...I like a challenge and of course to have fun:)  

          Also I would probably enjoy any matches Ya'll came up with so long as there is a challenge and fun i would certainly try a 60 shot 10m standing postion for example:) For what its worth, about +/-10 matches a week seems to be my comfort point.  The Targets and Matches that I like most are:-
1. 25 yd open sight. a challenge to say the least!
2. 30 am Bench rest
3. 30m PCP front rest only
4. I  would really enjoy a 10 m bench if there where to be one:) Not sure on a target to use at this point., but max 20 shots seems enough to keep the challenge up:)
5. 10m open rifle.  I do 4 shots at 5 not 5 shots at 4 targets,  its easier for me to see score.
6. 10m  standing rifle , steroid15
7. Although I stopped doing this one ...10m single pump rifle I liked because I could use my 853 W/peeps  but did not seem popular and I not like to do it alone:) I now just compete against my kids on this one.
1. 10m GTA, 10 shots,  one hand.  
2. 10m pistol open
3. 5m  pistol  open
4. 10m multi pump pistol / iron sights, 3 shots at 5 targets. A real challenge!
Ok thats all I can think of for now, Tony.