Author Topic: QB79 Problem  (Read 2589 times)

Offline billharmon2

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QB79 Problem
« on: December 06, 2009, 06:03:50 AM »
While shooting a match yesterday I ran into a problem. Towards the end of the first target the gun started putting them everywhere. I changed tanks for the second relay and the gun would not fire. It will cock and I can feel the hammer hitting the valve. The gun does nothing. Both 9 ounce tanks were full. Any suggestions will be helpful.

Offline ribbonstone

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RE: QB79 Problem
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2009, 07:09:10 AM »
Don't take offence, but some questions.

1. How do you know the paintball tanks are full?  Have noticed the guns shoot poorly when the co2 tanks get low (still have 1 or 1 1/2oz. of co2 in them).  Cool weather increases co2 use, and tank o-rings can leak, so if you're judging by the number of shots it might be that they aren't as full as you think they are.  Need a scale. get the EMPTY weight of each tank, and can figure the co2 they contain (about 14.5- 15.7oz. for a 9oz, depending on make/pin valve/etc.).

2. There is enough room for a pellet to fall down between the bolt and receiver, into the bottom tube.  If it does, it gets smashed ahead of the hammer, and if there is will produce erratic shooting or even no-shooting at all (it blocks the hammer from striking the valve stem).

3. The valve stem can become bent (and it won't open when struck) or the seal can detach from the stem.

4. Paintball tanks pin-valves can refuse to open, feeding no gas to the gun, if the pin valve on the tank is damaged or if there is some stray "funk" keeping them from screwing on tightly.

Offline billharmon2

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Re: QB79 Problem
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2009, 07:24:42 AM »
Tanks were full. I weighed them empty and full. I use chrome moly 9 0z tanks as they fit better. It was 68 in the range so temp wasn't a problem. The pellet thing does make sense as I lost track of one while loading. and I did have an issue closing the bolt. I will have to take it apart and look. I will also check the valve for junk.

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Re: QB79 Problem
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2009, 09:07:24 AM »
Managed to do it twice, one in .177 and once with a .22.  Wouldn't have thought a .22 pellet could fit down that slot, but evidently they can.  Like you, was shooting in the field and just figured i dropped the pellet or that it fell out in a moment of inattention.  Then the rifle shoots real oddly for a couple of shots (while the pellet gets mashed), then quits (once the pellet gets mashed welded to one spot or another).