Author Topic: Skenko Blue Pellets  (Read 2853 times)

Offline SDale

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Skenko Blue Pellets
« on: May 02, 2007, 11:01:33 AM »
I got a tin of these to see how they shoot. I've shot Prometheus pellets before and they were REALLY good. Just a little too expensive for me.

The Skenkos I got are the Blue ones made for Short Magazines. Sorry to say, but they're JUNK. I tried them in the B3, Talon SS CO2, Tech Force 99, Crosman 1377 and a Crosman 2100. Same result with all of the guns. The point of impact changed with Every Shot. Not only that, if I was shooting them from a scoped rifle, I could see them spiral towards the target. They look like Rabid Honey Bees in flight. Not accurate at all.

I'm not sure if it's because of the short "skirt" or what. But it was difficult to hit a soda can at 10-15 yards repeatedly. When it did, they keyholed instead of punching a nice round hole.

Stay Away from em!!!