Author Topic: No more Leapers! (Kinda long)  (Read 5487 times)

Offline daved

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No more Leapers! (Kinda long)
« on: May 04, 2007, 03:56:09 PM »
Well, got two scopes back from Leapers as warranty replacements.  One was the 6x Bug Buster that got the review a short time ago.  Short story, the replacement is no better than the one I sent back.  And yes, I checked the serial number, it IS a different scope.  Nice and clear... as long as you don't shoot more than 15 yards!  Beyond that range, it WILL NOT FOCUS!  It's packed up and will be going back to Pyramyd on Monday.

The other one is a 3-12x44 compact.  The full size version I sent back was already a warranty replacement, so I was able to get Leapers CS to substitute the compact.  I shouldn't have bothered.  Although not as bad as the scope Gerry reviewed, this thing just isn't acceptable.  Again, I could not get a crisp image, even with bright sunlight on my target.  No matter what I did, it just seemed a little fuzzy.

The really sad part of all this is, for the guns I got them for, these scopes were perfect so far as size and power is concerned.  The Bug Buster looked like it was made for my IZH 60, and the compact was just what I wanted on the HW 77.  For those interested, here's the list of scopes and problems.

1. 3-12x44 Full size, parallax adjustment problem out of the box.
2. Same, warranty replacement, elevation adjustment failed.
3. 3-12x44 compact, "fisheye" distortion.
4. 6x Bug Buster, impossible to get clear image, bad optics.
5. 3-12x44 compact, warranty replacement for full size, fuzzy image.
6. 6x Bug Buster, warranty replacement, same as above.

BTW, scope #1 was purchased last August.  So, no more Leapers for this guy.  So far, I'm really happy with the Nikko Stirling, I'll just have to wait and see how it holds up.


Offline JMG

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RE: No more Leapers! (Kinda long)
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2007, 04:23:15 PM »

Dave I am glad I have kept up with your Leapers scope endeavers. I have 3 shootable guns now and unfortunately only one decent scope between the 3 of them. I have looked at the Leapers scopes but never felt real comfortable with what I have read here and on the other forums about them. My only decent scope I have right now is the Tasco GA and I love it. Unfortunately I got hit with and unexpected financial set back last week so I didnt have the funds to go ahead and get one of the Nikko Stirling scopes. I was able to afford another 50 bucks for another Tasco GA. The new scope is going to get shared duty on my project B3 and the Gamo Big Cat. Unfortunately no amount of messing around with that Gamo Bsa scope seems to help so I have pretty much decided to box it up and save it for something later (read let it collect dust on the box in the closet). Thanks for all the heads up on the Leapers QC issues.


Ok I shoot....maybe not well but I do shoot hehe, B26-2.177, X3-B3-2 .177, RWS 34 .177, QB78 Deluxe .177, CR 1322 Medalist

Offline Gene_SC

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Re: No more Leapers! (Kinda long)
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2007, 01:06:52 AM »
I may take another look at the Nikko Stirling, Dave... I have the Simmons Master Series on order but no one has my model in yet...:(  I may just go ahead and order one of them scopes.. :) So far you are saying there is no problem with it as far as clearity, setting it up to zero, etc..?

THE ONES I SLEEP WITH: BSA Lightning XL, AA TX-200, AA ProSport, BSA Ultra, HW-97K, Crosman NPSS .177, FX Cyclone, HW-30 Nicle Plated, AA-S200, Crosman Marauder, CZ-634, R-9 DG, Webley/Scott UK Tomahawk, Benji Kantana, Benji Marauder, Benji Discovery.....

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Offline daved

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Re: No more Leapers! (Kinda long)
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2007, 02:17:16 AM »
That's exactly what I'm saying, Gene.  Keep in mind, this is one of the Platinum Nighteater series scopes, which is next to the top of their line up.  The Gold Crown Air King is their airgun specific scope, has a mil dot reticle, target turrets, and parallax adjusts down to 5 yards.  Parallax is on the objective.  Oh, and it comes with a 1 pc. scope mount.  Here's the link to Nikkos site:
Don't know what the prices are like, got stuck on the Platinum because of a typo on the scope length on Cheaper than Dirts web site.  Later.


Offline daved

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RE: No more Leapers! (Kinda long)
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2007, 02:25:23 AM »
Hey, John,

I assume the Gamo BSA you're struggleing with is the 4x fixed that comes with lots of their rifles.  What exactly is the problem?  Reason I ask, I have one of these on my IZH 60.  It's factory set at 50 yards parallax, but I refocused this one down to 20.  Still nice and clear at 10 yards, but useable out to a lot farther than the 60 will shoot :-)!  If you think this might help, email me direct and I'll send you info on how to do it.  Later.


Offline JMG

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RE: No more Leapers! (Kinda long)
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2007, 09:06:07 AM »

Dave the Big cat came with a 3x9x40 non ao scope and that is the one I was trying to adjust with the cement block. After the gun fell over and the scope hit the block I picked it up and resighted it in and it was doing fine. When I got the gun home and I was out in the back shootin range, my neighbor and I were shootin my guns and he was shootin the Gamo. He shot it a couple of times and said uh oh man look at this. So I looked through the scope and it was all blurry you couldnt even see anything through it. So I set the gun down kind of mad that I had knocked it over earlier and just let it sit while I was shootin my B3. While I was shootin my B3 I looked over at the Gamo and saw that the objective lense of the BSA scope had done turned 90 degrees so you were looking at the edge of the lens poking out the end of the scope. I took it apart a half a dozen times or so and put it back together, now you can see through it but its still pretty fuzzy. The scope isnt a bad scope, it was a bad operator. I dont want anyone thinkin that I am bad mouthing BSA I think they make a decent scope.


Ok I shoot....maybe not well but I do shoot hehe, B26-2.177, X3-B3-2 .177, RWS 34 .177, QB78 Deluxe .177, CR 1322 Medalist

Offline gercourt

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Re: No more Leapers! (Kinda long)
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2007, 11:55:15 AM »
Guys, I have been using a Nikko-Sterling Gold Crown Air King 4x12x42 for about six months now and I couldn't be happier with it. I originally had it on an RWS 34 and have since moved it to my Gamo CFX after a disasterous trial with a Compact 3-x12 leapers which went right back to Pyramyd. The Nikko-Sterling is wonderfully clear and very sharp at all distances and the AO is very accurate and repeatable. I couldn't want anything more in a scope. And as a plus the one piece mount they give you with the scope is a very solid piece, The only thing it lacks is a scope stop pin. This mount did start travelling on the CFX so I added a Gamo scope stop which pushed the scope forward a inch and made viewing more difficult so I replaced the N-S mount and scope stop with Accushot high mont separate rings with a built-in stop pin. This is the best setup: the scope doesn't move, the rings are very solid and I can have the scope back over the grip where I like it. Don't pass by the Nikko-Sterling scopes without giving them a serious look-see. They are a bargain with excellent quality!