Author Topic: How Many of You Watch Glen Beck ?  (Read 12748 times)

Offline arbantelope

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Re: How Many of You Watch Glen Beck ?
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2010, 08:40:01 PM »
Alan - NorCal

Offline geiger

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Re: How Many of You Watch Glen Beck ?
« Reply #16 on: May 26, 2010, 06:12:31 AM »
Gene_SC - 5/25/2010  9:30 PM

There you go again geiger... Trying to insight a riot again. Good thing you do not live close to me... I would skin your head and light you up....:)

Just because i display my dismay of Glen Beck, that means i'm inciting riots?
Even if Glen tried to be funny he is not, Stephen Colbert is funny, Glen just tries too hard and with a weird sense of humor. Look it's not that i made this up, the whole internet is laughing at Glen Beck and exposing him for the smuck he is.
I mean really...if lighting a man on fire is considered humor...then there's something really wrong with the world. If you're interested in the bare facts then i suggest you get some more credible source.

And yeah, if my criticism of Glen is enough to make you want to skin me and light me up...well then, we can both be glad we don't live close by.

P.S. Did you really believe that time Glen cried on his show to be sincere tears? Contrary to what you believe i watch Beck often.

Offline Big_Bill

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RE: How Many of You Watch Glen Beck ?
« Reply #17 on: May 26, 2010, 07:26:30 AM »

I can't understand the people that see only what they want too, and believe only the words that they want to hear ? Fear and prejudice seem to be the largest contributor to this. They huddle together and make noise about subjects that they have only been told about.

Look at subjects from all sides, 360 degrees. Find out for yourself what's happening !

So many people are Democrats and Republican just because their fathers and grand-fathers were the same. Don't you have a brain of your own ? Are you not capable of thinking ? Or is it just easier to be a sheeple, following the Judas Ram into the slaughter house !

So many people votefor a candidate, and know nothing about them, they can't even pick the photo of who they voted for form a list of two ! SHEEPLE !!!!! Mindless, lazy, stupid people that should have never survived past puberty. Followers of candidates that they know nothing about, and don't care, the facts only confuse them ! I guess it is just so much easier to follow the crowd into the pit, than to chart your own course, a face life head on. Being a Homo sapience is so much more difficult than being a Homo erectus !



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Offline geiger

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RE: How Many of You Watch Glen Beck ?
« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2010, 01:18:24 PM »
Big_Bill - 5/26/2010  12:26 PM

I can't understand the people that see only what they want too, and believe only the words that they want to hear ?  Fear and prejudice seem to be the largest contributor to this. They huddle together and make noise about subjects that they have only been told about.

Look at subjects from all sides, 360 degrees. Find out for yourself what's happening !

So many people are Democrats and Republican just because their fathers and grand-fathers were the same. Don't you have a brain of your own ?  Are you not capable of thinking ? Or is it just easier to be a sheeple, following the Judas Ram into the slaughter house !

So many people vote for a candidate, and know nothing about them, they can't even pick the photo of who they voted for form a list of two ! SHEEPLE !!!!! Mindless, lazy, stupid people that should have never survived past puberty. Followers of candidates that they know nothing about, and don't care, the facts only confuse them ! I guess it is just so much easier to follow the crowd into the pit, than to chart your own course, a face life head on. Being a Homo sapience is so much more difficult than being a Homo erectus !



Completely agree.

People need to watch less mainstream media, because most of is corrupt...make your own research and take everything with a grain of salt. That is all i wanted so say.

Offline cmdrstp

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RE: How Many of You Watch Glen Beck ?
« Reply #19 on: May 26, 2010, 03:01:57 PM »
I find it funny that most of those who criticize of Glen Beck often comes those with the inability to dispute the historical facts he presents. If you don't think this country is in serious economic, social, and moral trouble, I believe that is the heart of the problem.

The silent majority really can't afford to be silent anymore.

Glen Beck does not incite anything. It's the deviation or perversion of values and personal's the disassociation of the politician and the responsibility of constitutionally designed, true representation's the corrosion of personal freedom for the "collective good" that is the sole reason for the escalating anger and demonstration. I pray this dissatisfaction grows louder and with more commitment. One man's sins should never jeopardize the freedoms of another. And, yet we see this corrosion everyday.

This is not the same country my parents grew up in. I am sure I am not alone with this assessment. I hope we can get it back.

So, yes, I watch Glen Beck, Fox News, Sarah Palin, and loved Ronald Reagan. Funny, all those I mentioned are rightfully proud of America. I can't believe that with the present President. Honestly, can you?

Oh, by the way, I didn't need Glen Beck to believe this way.

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Re: How Many of You Watch Glen Beck ?
« Reply #20 on: May 29, 2010, 07:34:48 PM »
Glen Beck just has to show the videos of the morons in Washington, they hang themselves.  No one on the other stations or Washington ever challenges him on his facts.  The red phone is silent. Weiner or Whiner complained about his Gold sponsors let the buyer beware and do your own homework on investments.

Offline kcurrie

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Re: How Many of You Watch Glen Beck ?
« Reply #21 on: May 29, 2010, 09:39:39 PM »
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Re: How Many of You Watch Glen Beck ?
« Reply #22 on: May 30, 2010, 07:03:29 PM »
Jon Stewart, Huffington Post Really?