Author Topic: Problem with Trail NP  (Read 6566 times)

Offline Perry50

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Problem with Trail NP
« on: June 02, 2010, 07:42:41 PM »
I decided to do a good cleaning of my Trail NP so I removed the shroud and wiped down the barrel and screwed the shroud back on.

The gun now shoots 10" high and 8" left at 20 yards. I then tried shooting it withoud the shroud with the same results.

I switched scopes and no improvement. Nothing else was done to the rifle except removing the shroud.

I am stumped as to what happened. Any ideas?

Offline rocker1

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RE: Problem with Trail NP
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2010, 11:58:40 PM »
i would check make sure its not clipping. thanks david

Offline wahoowad

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Re: Problem with Trail NP
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2010, 02:35:45 AM »
Man I know that is frustrating. Maybe you bumped the scope and didn't realize it? Do you have your scoped marked so you can tell if it moved?

what is a good way to check for clipping?
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Offline tenmilegambler

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Re: Problem with Trail NP
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2010, 05:07:13 AM »
Is this the first time you've done this to the NP? The only thing I can think of is when you re-assembled the shroud, the part with the allen drive has either something on the shoulder or body that is skewing the muzzle end. I would try taking it apart again, inspect both ends (my guess is it has to be the crown end to influence it that much) clean the O ring area and re-tighten to see if it changes again, as long as you're doing this try it several times to see if it changes every time. I took mine off before I even shot it, so I don't know if mine will do the same thing.

Offline Zzyzx

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RE: Problem with Trail NP
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2010, 05:39:55 AM »
Move yourtargets 10" higher and 8" left at 20 yards?

Hope someone can help you so you don't have to do this.

Offline Perry50

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RE: Problem with Trail NP
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2010, 07:09:35 AM »
I considered all of the above comments before posting the thread.

I took off the scope and put it back on with no improvement.

I checked for clipping and there were not any obvious signs.

I thought the shroud end cap was skewing the muzzle but after reassembling it, there was no improvement. I even shot it without the shroud and it still shot high.

The shroud was screwed on pretty tight. I wonder if removing it caused the barrel to go off center?

I wish I knew what went wrong because it was very accurate and fun to shoot before this happened.

Offline HNT5

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RE: Problem with Trail NP
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2010, 09:55:52 AM »
This sounds like a heck of a situation.. Couple of questions: How does the shroud attach to the breech block end? Is that end tight and aligned as before? With your shots going that high it sounds as if your barrel bent up (kinda like when you fire a break barrel with the barrel open. I'm not implying you did that) So could the shroud have been putting some downward pressure on the barrel? Then when you removed it, the barrel "sprang" up causing the drastic POI shift. Sounds kinda far fetched I know, but I can't think of anything else. You sound as if you've covered most of the causes and solutions thus far. I guess you could try calling Crosman Customer Service and asking them. Maybe there is a secret trick to re-assembly.


Offline ezman604

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RE: Problem with Trail NP
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2010, 10:51:50 AM »

Check the crown VERY close and make sure there's no dings or other issues there. Check and tighten all screws that attach the receiver to the stock. Check the breech pivot bolt for tightness also. You may want to run a few patches through the barrel with Goo Goneand then a few dry to make sure it's clean. Of course this will start the leading/seasoning of the barrel over but may correct the problem.

Happy Shooting!!!!


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Offline dollarhunt

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RE: Problem with Trail NP
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2010, 04:54:56 PM »
i tried to take the end cap off mine with a 1/4 in. hex wrench and i was exerting a HUGE  amount of pressure and it still wouldn't come loose. i was afraid if i tried any harder that i would bust the end cap or bend the shroud end.. I only wanted to get a look at the shroud arrangement. This makes me glad I quit while I was ahead because the gun shoots great without me screwing it up!

Offline Perry50

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RE: Problem with Trail NP
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2010, 06:49:07 PM »
Well I removed the stock and the shroud then re-tightened all the fasteners. The only one that was a little loose was the breach pivot bolt. I suspect this was the culprit. I should have thought of this earlier. I guess that breaking loose the tightly secured shroud set the barrel off a little.

I adjusted the scope to its optical center then fired a few pellets. They were a couple inches high so I removed the scope and shimmed the front ring with a piece of 35 mm film then tightened the scope and re-fired it.

It needed around 20 clicks down and 10 clicks right to get it zeroed at 20 yards.

Now it's shooting a ragged hole again at 20 yards.

I appreciate the help guys.....Aloha

Offline ShadowShot

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RE: Problem with Trail NP
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2010, 05:23:41 PM »

Perry50 - 6/4/2010  2:49 AM I adjusted the scope to its optical center

I am glad you got that sorted out.
Quick question. How did you align to "optical Center"?

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Offline airiscool

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RE: Problem with Trail NP
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2010, 02:43:05 AM »
Glad to hear it's back and shooting good Perry, that much off would have had me realy worried too.

There's two ways to bring a scope to optical center.
One way is to rest the scope tube in a simple stand with two V notches. Place the scope in the V's, look through the scope and rotate it to see if the cross hairs are off-center. Play with elevation/windage until the cross hairs are centered as the scope is rotated. That is the true optical center.

Second is count the total number of clicks and then come back half that amount - not always truly centered on inexpensive scopes, but close enough for a starting point.

A scope company tech once told me that scopes should not be far from center or they can start to have problems. It's better for the scope if changes are made to the mounts to keep the scope as close to centered as possable.

Benji Trail NPXL 1100, Gamo .22 Whisper, Crosman 760 Pumpmaster, Crosman 66 Powermaster, Crosman .22 revolver, Daisy model 102, Daisy early Model 25.