Author Topic: tune problems???  (Read 3727 times)

Offline ray1377

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tune problems???
« on: June 05, 2010, 05:19:44 PM »
I hope this post is in the correct forum.
I've read where the Crosman Storm XT is a chinese clone of a gamo something or other, which in turn is a copy of a b-19 or something like that.
Anyway, it says crosman on box and on the gun, so to me its a crosman.
I took my storm apart today and removed the trigger, and spring, and top hat.
I didn't take the piston out yet because there are alot of burs and sharp edges on the inside  of the slots of the pump tube and I don't want to damage the seal.
Anyway, I've read alot on tunes lately and they all speak of tar or grease or lube which is put on the moving parts before putting the gun back togther.
Well when I opened my factory storm up, it has what looks like 40wt or maybe at the most 50wt oil on the spring and moving parts.
Not very sticky at all, and now I know why oil kept oozing out onto the stock from both ends of the pump tube after I had shot it for a while.
And the spring was really rough on both ends.
It wasn't smooth or sanded. And it had already started to make a tiny wear mark or groove around the base of the rear alignment shaft.
I took it all apart and wiped all the oil off.
Then started sanding and polishing all the rough spots I could feel or see.
Has anyone here ever put in a flyingdragon tune kit with the new spring and all new tophat and stuff?
He also has a needle thrust bearing that fits between the tophat and the inside of the piston to I assume help with spring torque.
I'm curious if all that stuff made a really noticeable difference??
If my factory seal is good and not cut or damaged, won't just polishing and smoothing out all the moving parts help make my gun shoot smoother?
What should I use for lube when I put it back together?
More 40wt oil??
I like this gun, it shoots better and more accurate than any other spring I've ever tried to shoot.
And its a piece of cake to work on.
I took it apart with a cabinet builders adjustable pipe clamp.
I want to do all I can do to make it the best it can be.
The only good varmit is a dead varmit!
Benjamin Discovery .177 Rifle
Custom built Benjamin Discovery .22 Pistol
Crosman tuned Storm XT .177 Rifle
Crosman Highly Modified 1377 Carbine
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Offline michael90t

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Re: tune problems???
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2010, 06:16:06 PM »
Knowing the very large amount of slamming force on the ends of the springs especially the piston side I wouldnt trust ANYTHING with a needle type thrust bearing.... but then again Melick has a heck of a reputation for being a great standup guy and has made a very good reputation as one of those out of the box thinking tuners and everyone says his stuff is great LOL..... So I dunno what to recommend as far as that stuff goes.... I just know that needle thrust bearings scare me in an application like this :)

as far as lube goes.... there are some reall good hombrew lubes out there you can search for..... homebrew lubes or whatever is great for external parts and contacts/pivot points.... but  honestly on the inside nothing beats JM's moly and tar for doing it right the first time!....

Offline ray1377

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Re: tune problems???
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2010, 06:20:07 PM »
Sounds  okay, but I'm really hoping someone who's tuned a Storm before will chime in here and give me some insite to this.
The only good varmit is a dead varmit!
Benjamin Discovery .177 Rifle
Custom built Benjamin Discovery .22 Pistol
Crosman tuned Storm XT .177 Rifle
Crosman Highly Modified 1377 Carbine
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Offline kiwi

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Re: tune problems???
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2010, 10:00:29 PM »
ray1377 - 6/6/2010  6:20 PM

Sounds  okay, but I'm really hoping someone who's tuned a Storm before will chime in here and give me some insite to this.

I have a tuned B19..."which is what the crosman guns are"
they just down graded the stocks for Crosman/ Remington branded ones..."in my opinion"

Any ways..I replaced the whole guide system...stayed with the
same weight & spring pre-load as the gun has enough power...
just made new guides with properly fitting nylon sleeves for
the spring to run on....very quiet & smooth...And  put a GRT trigger in it..

NO spring tar in any of my guns...Putting a thick muck on the spring
to cover up a prob with guide/ spring fit....It dosen't fix any thing just hides it...
All I use is molly paste and a molly grease..

I  made 3 guide sets...still have two....!!!!



Spring guide sets...

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Offline Bentong

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Re: tune problems???
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2010, 02:42:14 AM »
I did 2 crosmans, G1 & Sierra Pro. Basically did removed anything sharp/rough edge then used moly behind the piston seal, front and back of piston, top and end of spring and spring tar on the outer coil of the spring then moly on the spring guide. The key on lube is more is bad and less is good. Over time if too much lube is finds it's way to the front of the piston seal and deteriorate it's performance. It's been said before that in the the factory, they just shoved everything up to assemble the airgun and 7 out of 10 roughly the seal get's nicked or cut. Bad seals contribute to the dieseling and piston slam. With new OEM seal and spring I used, I get 925fps with 7.9 CPHP @ 15fpe. Tuning to me makes the gun shoot right and smooth.

Offline ray1377

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Re: tune problems???
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2010, 04:30:46 AM »
I agree with the 7 out of 10 thing you said.
When I got my gun open, it was amazing to see all the places that were worn from sharp edges and burs with only 250+ pellets through it.
I may just end up doing what you've done and try that.
But that flyingdragon tune kit with the rollerbearing and delrin guides sounds tempting!!!!
The only good varmit is a dead varmit!
Benjamin Discovery .177 Rifle
Custom built Benjamin Discovery .22 Pistol
Crosman tuned Storm XT .177 Rifle
Crosman Highly Modified 1377 Carbine
Crosman 1377 stock
Crosman 1377 modified pistol
Powerline 880
Marksman Biathlon target rifle
Marksman 1911 springer pistol
Daisy Red Ryder