Hi guys,
I've been trying to respond back here, but for some reason the site has been hard to load on my PC. Seems to be working OK now. I wanted to tell you that I sorted out a few things with my RS2. First I think I need to really really clean out the .177 barrel and maybe crown it. Second I think I better loctite the scope. Third, I swtiched to the .22 barrel and was I impressed. The .177 shot so low I was shimming the scope, but when I switched to the .22 It shot just a bit higher than my aim point whereas the .177 was shooting eight inches low. I know it's a different trajectory for the pellet (Crosman Prem-round tops), but the rifle is shooting so much more accurately in .22. It's a hard-hitting combo too. I need to go back and deal with the .177 barrel. Any idea why it shoots so consistently low? When I say low I mean it's a serious problem. I was shimming the rear scope mount, and still could not get the scope to match the pellet poi, nor significantly change the poi. Is it possible the barrel is bent? I guess I can lay it on a flat surface and roll it to find that out. Otherwise, the rifle reminds me of my Beeman R1 days, at least in heft, if not in accuracy (that R1 was sick accurate!) Anyway, there it is. All advice wellcome